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I would like to emphasize the nature of my story.

This is a dark romance. This means the following story will entail themes such as violence, foul language, and explicit sex. Most, if not all, characters will also be dark. They will possess villainous qualities and be flawed individuals. If that is something you cannot handle (and also includes refraining yourself from commenting negatively) then maybe this isn't the story for you.

Furthermore, please expect the following in the story:

1. Trigger warning. Subjects such as abuse, rape, kidnapping, killing, and suicide. These are meant to aid the theme of this story due to its darker nature. So things that occur within the story have a full-circle purpose. As of now, trigger warnings will not be specified at the beginning of the chapters. I might change my thoughts depending on people's thoughts.

2. Explicit Sex. Sexual content will involve BDSM and kinks you might not feel comfortable reading about. It's going to be more adventurous compared to my other books. CNC (consensual non-consensual). Will definitely involve praise, and possibly degradation (it would depend on how I feel about the character development.) Please educate yourself if you're not familiar with these terms just like I had to😜 to write this book. All sexual acts in this are Consensual alongside their dominant/submissive/switch nature. So don't try to make others feel bad for liking certain scenes because they're not to your taste. We all like different things in our smut fantasies but I tried making it relatable to the characters involved and what I feel like they would enjoy.

3. Be Kind. Obviously, everyone has different tastes and opinions, but please reference from fighting in the comments. At least aggressively fighting in comments. Innocent discussions are allowed. Please don't choose to read a story that has fucked up people and then complain about how fucked up they are. Just expected to have your patience tested, and to hate the characters every now and then. But they're human (more evil tho 😜😂) so try to remember that certain things have reasons but that shouldn't just justify it. Make your decisions, okay guys!

It's not my intention to scare you or freak you out. I want everyone who's going to read this story to be aware of what environment they're entering into. Compared to Mika, this story is going to be completely different for starters my female lead isn't anything like Mika, so don't expect her to have the same strengths she did. Same goes with Julian. I'm trying something new, and I'm super excited to share with you these characters I cherish so much (I hope you guys grow fondly of them too.)

I wouldn't be an author if I don't take the opportunity to branch out and try new things.

Furthermore, I am extremely proud of this story, and I just want everyone to remain positive, so I can keep the same energy.

This is all I can do. Regardless, people will ignore the warning and disclaimer and especially the age limit (even tho I used to too🤫)! But try to keep the comment section positive, funny, and lighthearted unless shit is going down... I've done the most that I can and I can't control everyone who clicks on this story.

Let's end on a high note! I hope you enjoy this story. It's going to be a crazy, fucked-up rollercoaster, so get ready and strap in. You know how it goes ;)! You guys know I love putting subtle hints and secrets in a place where a typical reader (hopefully) could catch on and make inferences about what's going to happen. At this point, I ask you guys to trust me to deliver a heart-wrenching rollercoaster of a dark romance that will come together full circle by the end. I hope you love this story as much as I loved writing it.

Thank you.


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