T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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"Julian?" my mom asks, confusion lace in her voice

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"Julian?" my mom asks, confusion lace in her voice. "What are you doing back? You're supposed to be on your way. What happened?"

My head is spinning with this new knowledge. Her concern flies over my head like a fly. My stomach churns with a mixture of shock and defeat. Why Isabela? That's the thing tripping me out. What could he want with her? Isabela's only connection is to the Moltisanti. Or her family, but they're all dead.

"Julian!" Mom shakes my arms and presses her palm on my cheek. "You're pale white — you're scaring me. What happened?"

My mouth opens to respond, but I'm undoubtedly at a loss for words. I deeply sigh, dragging my palms down my face in frustration. This is the last thing I've ever expected.

"Mom," I say in a defeated tone.

"Yes!" she chirps, gnawing at her fingernails.

"He wants Isabela in exchange for your freedom," I confess.

There's a sudden break of silence, and I drag in a ragged breath, feeling like the oxygen is getting harder and harder to breathe. Mom sits beside me, her deep brown eyes watching me like a wounded animal. We're both dumbfounded.

I can't do it.

I don't even want to pretend like I'm doing it.

The thought slashes through me, cutting deep and leaving a path of havoc in its wake. My stomach churns with the possibility of saying the phrase out loud. I hate the whirlwind of emotions shredding through me.

My eyes drag to look up at her as my eyebrow raises. "I don't understand how he learned about her or what he wants with her. She's just a girl who got dealt a twisted set of cards as a life. Everyone related to her is dead. I'm the only person she could've counted on."

"Oh, honey," Mom coos, draping her arm over my shoulders as comfort. "Obviously, there's no way in hell you're going through with it. You just have to act like you will. That's the only way out of here, Julian."

My stomach twists into knots of guilt. "There's no way I can go through with it, even if it's all an act. What if he uses this as blackmail-- me agreeing to it? I feel sick to the stomach just thinking about it. But I have no other choice."

Pursing her lips, she tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

My lips thin as dread snakes its way through my veins. "If I say no, he will kill you guys right in front of me. So, I'm fucked no matter what I do."

Mom tips her head back and forth, mentally weighing the options. "We can work around this. Just accept his proposal by alluding to it. He can't frame you if it doesn't come from your mouth. Explain every last detail to Isabela when you're given the chance. Honest is the best policy."

I nod. "I have no idea how to satisfy him while keeping Isabela safe."

"You're a smart man, Julian," Mom says. "Do whatever it is you need to do as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence. Use it to your advantage. That's all the advice I have. Take some time to think it over and get your thoughts straighten."

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