F O R T Y - F I V E

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*Jar of hearts by Christina Perri is the song for this chapter as well*Peace

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*Jar of hearts by Christina Perri is the song for this chapter as well*

All the colors morph into one— it's extraordinary. I never get tired of this feeling. Pure ecstasy. During times like these, I'm in a whole other dimension, floating on a cotton-candy cloud. It's almost like a switch. Everything goes away, and I feel completely empty, which I just love. Who needs emotion?

Whoever fucking created emotions should suck a dick.

Tingles erupt across my skin as I look down at Blondie licking up the stream of alcohol running down my boobs.

"Mmm, you like that?"

My nose crinkles. "I love it."

He returns to basically fucking my neck. Jesus fucking Christ, where is Lorenzo? Here I was trying to search for a third contender for our threesome, but all these men are sleazy and disgusting— might be time to switch to the other side. It's a known fact that girls are way hotter than boys.

We just know what we want.

For being a fucking mansion, it feels extremely claustrophobic. Damn it. I think the drugs are wearing off. People dressed in all white attire, as stated on the invite, bump and grind against each other, everywhere I look. Drinks and drugs are flowing. Everyone is here to have the best night of their lives and celebrate me.

Finally, I catch a glimpse of Lorenzo's signature brown whipped cream hairdo, and I'm ready to run after him. Hopefully, he's found a better contender.

"Woah." I explode into laughter.

One step was all it took for me to collapse back onto the couch. Goddamn, the four shots make my feet feel like jelly. Blondie and his friend bare most of my weight when I get up again.

"Don't worry babe, we got you. Where do you want to go?"

My finger points forward. "To the guy in the white shirt."

Blondie's light eyebrows curl into confusion. "Babe, everyone is wearing white."

I roll my eyes. "Just keeping moving until I stop you."

He shrugs. "Alright, Jefe."

It takes us a few minutes to push our way through the crowd, but when I get there, my stomach twists into a million teeny-tiny knots. It's Lorenzo alright, but I didn't expect to see Julian with him. A few girls tag along with them, dressed in super tight, attractive white dresses that show more skin than cover.

Chewing on my lip, I try to keep my eyes on Lorenzo, but fail horribly, caving in to the sight presented in front of me. It's like an imposter kidnapped Julian, and delivered a robotic version of him here instead. Julian is dressed in a white dress shirt, loose fitted jeans with a matching Rolex watch and black shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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