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I feel like I'm floating on water

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I feel like I'm floating on water.

My hands waver in the air, flapping like fish. It's hard to explain, but clouds haze the entire scenery. A dark, foggy view. It's almost like I'm in heaven. Or the place in between. Holy moly -- am I dead? No. I wouldn't be thinking this much if I was. The numbness withers away, searching for my consciousness. One after another, my senses come to life.


The metallic, raw flavor on my tongue. Mouth dry. Numb to the movement.


Rubbing alcohol wafts to my nose.


It's almost jarring to move my hands to explore. Paper crinkle under my palms. My pinky digs into a smooth surface. A cushion? I have to be sitting on something or lying down.

Sight comes last.

My eyes flutter open. I'm unfamiliar with this room. My awareness sharpens as my hands tighten on the cushion examination table. The light is too vague to get a good observation of everything. A stainless steel medical tray stands a little too close to me. My muscles tense up. Panic floods through me. Where am I? Did one of Damien's enemies kidnap me?

I almost forgot the most important one-- sound.

"Miss Arias." His raspy, relief tone stirs something inside me. He places the bundle of gauze on the table and rushes to my side. My muscle loosens when he cups my face, tilting it to get a good read on me. "Thank god you're awake. I was almost about to resort to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation."

Seriously. I'm seriously starting to think the universe has it out for me.

Using my forearms, I push myself to sit up, but my muscles fail me. "It's okay. I got you." Julian pushes me into his chest as he leans over, pressing something to rearrange the examination table. "You drove yourself far tonight. I've never seen you get so angry before."

A light rumble vibrates in my chest. "Are you scared of me now?" I say playfully, my lips aching as I smile.

Julian doesn't crack a smile at my joke. It was a dumb one, but he usually finds those funny. His deep-seed blue irises express a vulnerability I haven't seen since the night on the bridge-- it makes my heart skip. Hard to breathe. Hard to think when he stares at me with those eyes. He wins the war harboring in my chest with a simple glance.

His hands glide to the back of my head, cupping it and pulling me into his chest. I feel so protected.

He sighs. "You could never scare me away." His voice comes out raw, exposed. "I'm so sorry, Isabela. The only thing I know how to do is protect you, yet I fail again. I should've never let you walk away from me."

I cling to his jacket, peeping up at him. "Mr. Lui, please don't blame yourself. I'm fine. I'm still here."

His temper bleeds out. "How could you say that?" I follow his eyes, trailing down the bruises left on my body. "This night could've ended differently. You could've been Hanni. All because I let the control slip from my fingertips. I don't want to repeat the same mistake."

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