T W E N T Y- T H R E E

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My heart races, pulse-pounding, as her fingers rake through my locks, fisting and unfisting them

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My heart races, pulse-pounding, as her fingers rake through my locks, fisting and unfisting them. I breathe her in, filling my senses with not only her taste but her scent of shea butter and vanilla. Now that we kissed, I fear we won't be able to do anything but this.

It's so dangerous.

But I can't keep my hands off her, and I think Isabela feels the same. A grumble vibrates through my chest and to Isabela's body as she takes my bottom lip into her mouth, sucking on it. Fuck. I love when she's in control. My eyebrows pull together as the friction between our clothed sexes builds from her grinding.

A sweet, soft moan tears from her lips when I squeeze her ass, kneading with my palms. Electricity floods through me like a tree being hit with a lightning bolt. Isabela is my drug, my poison, my rebellion. I've always followed all of my conditions, but since Isabela came into the mix — I've been reckless.

I like it.

Participating in something I want to do for a change. I meant what I said-- I won't back away now. What's the point? I've already run through five stop signs. What's a couple more? We're in perfect sync like two peas in a pot, shifting our heads and colliding our lips with the same vigorous desire.

Isabela's hand glides down my chest, grabbing the hem of my shirt and unbuttoning the top of it. We haven't gone further than kissing and some frisking, but I knew Isabela was eager for more. Her wetness oozes from the thin material of her thong. With Damien still visiting, it's been nearly impossible to get anymore than ten minutes alone in a locked room.

Isabela whimpers at my touch, arching her back to fill my hands with her perfect, peachy breast. She doesn't have a single bad feature-- I'm struggling to pick a favorite. With ragged breaths, Isabela pulls away, and my eyes zero in on her redden, plump lips. Slowly, a smile spreads across her face before she leans down, leaving a trail of rich kisses before sucking my skin.

My palm tightens around her breasts, playing with her hardened nipple, earning a moan engraved on my skin. Fuck. My dick strains in the tight confinements of my trousers. She sucks harder. Isabela knows how to torture a man. I would love to taint her body with my love marks, but both agreed on what's at stake if I leave physical evidence on her.

So, my body is her canvas, and I fucking love it. She can brand herself on every inch of my skin if that makes her happy. Unable to handle the sensation simmering in my gut, I grab her cheek and pull her back to me, smashing our mouths together-- a sloppy, fiery scene. I deepen the kiss, gliding my tongue in and out of her mouth.

I fear I'll never have enough of her.

"Isabela!" His shout is muffled by the separation of the attic from the house.


Fun is over.

Stilling my movements, I slowly pull away, resting my forehead on Isabela's as I try to regain a clear line of oxygen. "Should I look at the damage?"

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