T W E N T Y- F I V E

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Simple as that.

There's hardly been a second of breathing in this household, especially with Damien present. Isabela had to continue her next day as if nothing was wrong and listen to everything Damien demanded. However, that doesn't mean Isabela hadn't been cooped up in her bedroom all week.

A dozen clouds have clogged my sun in the sky. The white cushion of fluff is a deep shade of gray, heavy with pollution. Here and there, the cloud moves away long enough to get a glimpse of the sun's smile, but it always vanishes in the blink of an eye. My shadows dominate when there is no light in sight.

I don't know how to fix it.

Nothing can change my contributions to the premature death of her brothers, but I'll be an idiot to sit back without trying. Humans always make mistakes-- it's engraved in our DNA. Our job is where do we go from here? My father would repeat the same error even worse than before. I don't want to follow in his footsteps. Not only for me but Isabela, I want to shove the clouds away from her. 

Save her.

Minimize the pain as best as I can.

Damien packed all his shit and left back to Italy.

Isabela and I are due to join him in two days. Her days of freedom are ticking down like sand in a bottle. While I want to help her achieve her bucket list, it's the last thing I am concerned about. First thing first-- is to give her a night to smile freely and pour all her thoughts out in silence or confidence.

I'm not really good at surprises.

I never had to do this. Or want to. The only person I would go to these lengths for was my mother, but she never wanted me to waste money on something so nonsensical. Mama and Isabela have a few things in common, like how little money means to them. They're interested in the effort put into it. As cliche as it sounds, it's the thought that counts.

I hang the last rainbow of circular lights on wooden branches, twisting them around to look like a Christmas tree. The flashy orangey flame sparks in rotating tornado form in the bonfire under the trees-- on the table is a bottle of champagne and chocolate snacks for Isabela to munch on. Two microscopes rest by the lawn chair.

I sigh in relief.

Everything looks as perfect as I could get on twenty-four hours' notice. There are a couple of surprises I have up my sleeve if this isn't enough to make Isabela smile. After saying a quick prayer, I sprint up the stairs and knock on Isabela's door.

Isabela opens the door, slanting her hips against the doorframe as a few hair strands fall from her bun to her forehead. Her bunny-like cheeks are puffed up, bright like the salmon. There's a hint of the black circles peeking through the makeup on her eyes, but it doesn't take away from her beauty at all. Isabela is the most gorgeous girl I've seen, and she doesn't even have to try.

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