A Hunger Within

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At her cabin, Daenerys stayed with the Autobots with sustained glass for safety. Rodimus knew about herself to become an ally "She thinks was your new friend, eh? I don't know what that word: West-er-rust" Sideswipe said and Rodimus thinks to him "So, where she lived?" Bumblebee said to him "Um, she lives on the world of Westeros. I don't think that was forbidden to enter" Rodimus said to Bumblebee "Like what?" he asked "Caution, you know. Daenerys said that could be a protoform i think. Curses words for profanity, explicity like reproductive bodies, eh?" Wheeljack chuckles nervously and suggestive to herself "Do you think that's she's butt-frag naked?" Sideswipe said with Cybertronian vulgar "Yes, I don't think were too scrapped for herself" Rodimus said "I did. I was naked" Daenerys said, honestly. "There's another one." Wallflower said to the Autobots, Rodimus found another Multiversal Being "Where is it come from?" He said "Everfree Forest, I think. Something is going for hunger games" Wallflower said to Sunstreaker "Like a Game of Thrones. I don't think Daenerys said that there is an Iron Throne from King's Landing" He said "Wait, you talk to Daenerys?" Bumblebee said to Sunstreaker "Yes, it is. She said that Westeros has many locations, the middle point of Winterfell and the northern arctic of The Wall. Sideswipe, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, got anything have a bow and arrow?" He said to Applejack "We got an bows and arrows. All the time. Including that Mech-Tech Bow with Wheeljack" Applejack holds the Mech-Tech bow given to Sideswipe "I made it myself, so don't get impaled by an arrow, 'kay, good luck" Wheeljack said, Rainbow Dash and Bluestreak along with Applejack, Sideswipe and Lightning Dust, it form into a Power Cycles, heading to the Everfree Forest. Wheeljack keeps monitoring from tracking the Multiversal being. Daenerys feels happy and she had a compliments "You're very smart, Wheel-Jack" She said to Wheeljack "Oh, I'm sorry about this, Daenerys" he said "Just "Dany" She said her nickname "Oh, Dany, hehe. Well, You're beautiful" Wheeljack said for a compliment to herself. Daenerys smile to Wheeljack and the dragon had a pet to him "Oh, hello, little dragon. I hope not. Remember how Twilight Sparkle had a nightmare to you. When Spike the Dragon from Equestria. And you are there" He said and the dragon lick Wheeljack's face to him "Yes, I was there in the nightmare. And then I teleported here and I finally returned to this, human Equestria" she said holding hands together from herself "So, you must be..." Bumblebee ask "Dany. Just "Dany" because she had a nickname to her" Wheeljack said to Bumblebee "Sorry. You must be Dany, that you said that you're the Mother of Dragons, Westeros and House Targaryen. I don't think it was forbidden. Profanity words, explicit stuff. I feel scrapped" Bumblebee said "Scrapped?" Daenerys ask about her Cybertronian Profanity "It was a Cybertronian Profanity. Just a machinery stuff" Wheeljack said to Daenerys "Does Westeros have conflicts just like The Great War of Cybertron?" Bumblebee questions to Daenerys "Yes, many of them. I rode the dragons to burn them. To stop and end this conflict" She said to Bumblebee "Are they brutal?" He said for a question and Daenerys finally sait it "Yes" she said. Bumblebee gasps to see how Daenerys kill the people "That was brutal" he said. During at midnight, Sunstreaker was sitting down at the chair reading the stories of Daenerys. She naps using her hands and she finally awakes. Daenerys speak to him and said "So you're the Heir of the House Targaryen?" She said "I am. But I'm different than you. I remember House Stark, House Lannister, and the maps are Winterfell, Dorne, Dragonstone. And you are in Pentos. Your birthplace" Sunstreaker said to her but she was kneeling down to him at the glass field "Why did you know about Westeros" She said "Archives" Sunstreaker said honestly. Daenerys laughs to him make a joke "The Dragons, are yours?" Sunstreaker said to her "Yes" Daenerys replied "That's Viserion, Rhaegal..." "Drogon" Sunstreaker said when she's stop speaking and memorizing the dragons "Dany, I remember Jon Snow, and Cersei Lannister. Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And you, are helping the Dothrakis. I thought It be poor and powerful" He said to her "You speak Valyrian?" Daenerys speak with her Valyrian word "I honestly speak Valyrian once" Sunstreaker said with his Valyrian words "Oh, you're learning that language now" She chuckles and she had her squint smile. And Sunstreaker smiles with a teeth of a mouth, now they were bonding each other. And Rarity saw Sunstreaker were friended to Mother of Dragons at the door of the bridge. Viserion, and Drogon were sleep outside the Kappa Supreme at the parking lot of Canterlot High School. At Everfree Forest, Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash using Night Vision binoculars for checking the Multiversal Being "Still nothing, Sideswipe" She said "Well, the new Mech-Tech bow is ready. Even I can shoot this bad bo..." Sideswipe test this Mech-Tech Bow and accidentally shoots and arrow to form fireworks. Bluestreaker feels unamused to Sideswipe and he said "Uh, oops" he said now an arrow finally shoots from the wood. Sideswipe finally saw a camouflage from her and she runs fast "There it is! After that person!" Sideswipe transforms into Techno-Organic mode with wheel skates to capture that shooter. Then, Bluestreak test this Mech-Tech bow to form an electrocuted arrow to shoot an trespasser "I wonder that trespasser must be a "trees-passer!" Sideswipe said with a joke "Good thinking" Rainbow Dash said to Sideswipe "Not today!" Bluestreak transforms into Techno-Organic mode to fly and the trespasser shoots the arrow from Bluestreak's wing "My wing!" He shouts and grunts. Bluestreak finally shoots the trespasser and it finally electrocuted. Sideswipe and Two fliers landed to reveal a person "Finally, a sharpshooter never always be--" He moves the body and now it was she "Who is she?" Lightning Dust said to Bluestreak "I don't know. But she's the one who shot my wing. We'll escort her out" Bluestreak said and there is a person who use an arrow and a bow. With ponytail and her mini braid hair. She is from District 12, Katniss Everdeen.

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