Chapter XI

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Morning came very fast and it's time for Taehyung to wake up. But what he didn't expect is his head pounding crazily because of the amount of alcohol he had consumed last night.

"Ahhh hurts..." He hissed, clutching his head tightly.

He just laid on the bed, hoping for his headache to go away, but it's been an hour and he still feels like his head is breaking into half.

"Go away...." He mumbled to himself, as he sobbed pitifully. Punching his head, with the intention of diverting the pain he was feeling.

It was his first time experiencing this kind of hangover. Usually he's very mindful of the amount of alcohol he's drinking. He never in his entire life had drank too much alcohol to the point that he had lost his right senses and passed out. And last night he just went overboard even though jimin already forbade him.

He actually don't know how he had managed to get on his bed without jimin's help. He knows that jimin probably left him on his home's door because the short male wouldn't dare enter his apartment without his permission no matter what the situation is.

"Hyungie~~ koo morning!... can..can gukkie cwome? Gukkie mwade swometin fwor wif---- hyungie?! Awe you cwrying?" Jeongguk head suddenly pop's on the slightly opened door. Greeting his wife with enthusiasm, but when he saw Tae's painful expression and tear stained face he immediately turned into a worried husband. He entered Taehyung's room, without waiting for the older's response.

"Wifey? What happwned? Awe you hwurt? Why Taetae hyungie crwying?" The worried bunny bombarded his wife with questions. Sitting on Tae's bed and cupping the male's cheeks on his large palm. Eager to know the reason for his wife's pain.

Taehyung was completely frozen. He just look at the bunny with wide eyes. Processing every words the bunny was saying and feeling the warm and rough hand on his face. Scolding himself for almost purring like a cat on Jeongguk's hand.

"Of course it was him" he thought to himself, as he realized that it must be the hybrid who had helped him last night.

"Earwth to wifey..." Jeongguk called for Tae's attention when he saw the male zoning out. Which was successful because the older finally come out from his frozen state.

"I--I... What are you doing here? I didn't give you the p-permission to come inside my room!" He scold the bunny, hissing every now and then because of his headache.

"Sowwy...b-but hyungie is hawtin... gukkie nweed to h-help wifey first..wifey scold gukkie l-later..." The worried bunny explained, with determition on his eyes.

"You're no help... So get out!" Taehyung half screamed and pushed the bunny's hand away from his face.

"Gukkie no leave! Hyungie nweed mwedecine.... hubby will fwimd mwedecine for wifey.... Just wittle bit wifey... Gukkie will b-be bwack!" Jeongguk said adamantly, as he stood up and ran away from the room. Which left Taehyung dumbfounded.


Taehyung was still laying on his bed. He actually has a medicine for headache inside his bathroom but he doesn't have enough energy to leave his bed and get a medicine on his own. He also regret not telling the bunny sooner, so that Jeongguk could just get it for him, instead of going somewhere God knows where.

After 20 minutes his door was slammed hard and a panting bunny finally showed up. He was hiding something behind his back.

But something caught Taehyung's attention.  Jeongguk's previous clothes were dirty. His fluffy black hair was also messy with a little twigs on it. Taehyung wonder what the fuck did the bunny do this time.

"H-hyungie! Hwere! Smwell it!...Smwell it!" Jeongguk explaimed and suddenly shoved a bunch of what looks like a  leaves to Taehyung's face.

"Wtf?! Stop... Stop it! What the hell is that?! What do you think will I do with that stupid leaves?!" Tae asked while holding the bunny's wrist. Preventing the hybrid from shoving the leaves on his face further.

"Gukkie.. gukkie hweard that p-peppwermint is gwood fwor headache..." The bunny answered proudly, bunny ears twitching in excitement, waiting for a praise from his wife.

"What fucking part of this guava leaves that looks like a peppermint to you?!" Taehyung asked incredulously, completely done done with the bunny's dumbness. But his heart swelled involuntary at the bunny's effort of finding a remedy for him.

"Oww gwuava? Gukkie thought it's.. it's a peppermint hehehe sowwy wifey" the bunny apologises sheepishly, scratching his neck in embarrassment. He again gave his wife enough reason to call him dumb.

"Arghh whatever dummy.... Just go inside my bathroom and get the white box with a red cross printed on it at the top shelf." Taehyung slide off the bunny's apology. And Instructed him to get his medicine kit.

"Aye aye wifey!" Jeongguk agreed immediately, shoving the leaves on his pocket and then made a salute gesture to Taehyung before leaving to the bathroom.

"Hwere wifey!.." the bunny returned immediately with the medicine kit on his hands which Tae was thankful for, because the bunny got it right. He also ordered the bunny to get him water, which Jeongguk complied with enthusiasm.

After drinking the medicine Taehyung lay on his bed again. Completely unbothered by the bunny sitting beside him. Scanning him with his wide eyes like he was some sort of new specimen.

When Jeongguk was sure that his wife was doing ok, he stood up and said;

"Uhmmm wifey? Gukkie will..heat hyungie's fwood fwor a-awhile... gukkie bwack In sec....," Jeongguk informed his wife and when he saw that the older doesn't have any sign of replying, he   leaves the room reluctantly to heat the food he had cook awhile ago. His wife can't skip his breakfast.

When Taehyung heard the door closing, he sat up and look at the closed door.

"Sigh* God, I dunno if I should be thankful to have him or be annoyed by his antics...." Tae mumbled to himself. Completely confused on what to do with his supposed to be husband.

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