Chapter XII

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Taehyung was now eating on his bed, his headache finally gone. He was side glancing the bunny who was sitting on his bedside every now and then because he never took his eyes away from him. And it creeps the older out.

"Stop staring at me! You look so creepy." He finally said when he couldn't take it anymore.

"Oww... Gukkie no cweppy. Gukkie j-just watchin if..if.. wifey un--uncwomtable..." Jeongguk explaimed softly, still staring at Taehyung the same way.

"I'm fine, so stop staring like a creep. BTW why I'm wearing different clothes? I don't remember wearing this last night" Taehyung questioned suspiciously when he remembered that his previous clothes is gone.

"Gukkie chwange wifey's clowthes c-cause it looks dwirty" he answered like it was the most normal thing to do.

"What! You undress me without my permission?! You pervert bunny!" The older male accused pointing his pork towards the bunny threateningly.

"Oh gukkie no pervwert. Gukkie Pwomise that he no peek hyungie's body. Bunny close his eyes like this" now, a very panic Jeongguk explained. Frantically demonstrating what exactly he did last night.

The scene was completely hilarious that Tae can't stop himself from bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Woah... hyungie looks so pretty." Jeongguk said with wide eyes and mouth, completely mesmerized by the scene in front of him. It was his first time seeing his wife laughing.

Upon hearing the bunny, Taehyung immediately stopped, he feels like his cheeks was burning.

"I know right." He confidently agreed and continued eating, acting like he didn't just blush from the bunny's compliment.


2 weeks after the marriage of the two males, Taehyung's attitude towards the bunny has change a little bit. He doesn't get mad and shout at the younger anymore, but In return he avoids any possible interaction with the bunny. And just scold him a few times when he made some mistakes.

But the bunny is also adamant, he wouldn't let a single chance slide just to cling on Taehyung. He was always with the older male 24/7, either narrating his life stories at the village or just simply asking Tae some strange questions.

And to tell that Taehyung was completely annoyed would be an understatement. His father gave him a two weeks break, which means he doesn't have a work, which also means that he have to stay at home with the bunny. But the older didn't expect that ignoring the hybrid for 2 weeks would be hard. With the bunny's continuous silly talks and antics, he couldn't stop himself from throwing sarcastic comments.

But Jeongguk would always remain oblivious by that and just go on with narrating his stories happily. This made the older gave up again for who knows how many times. He concluded that he couldn't just shut up the talkative bunny no matter what he do.

Still, Taehyung couldn't deny that despite of the bunny annoying the hell out of him, Jeongguk always remain a good husband for him. Preparing his meals on time, cleaning his apartment thoroughly, and even tried to prepare his outfit one time because he really couldn't stop the bunny from entering his room eversince Jeongguk had took care of him when he was drunk.

And now, Taehyung is currently getting ready because his break is already done, he's going back to their company. Which made him so excited and relieveb because he could finally get rid of the clingy bunny.

He was humming happily while searching for his favorite outfit. But frowned when he couldn't find it. He was sure that he just used it before his marriage, and there's no way that it would be hidden with his other clothes that he rarely use.

"Jeongguk!" He called out for the male.

"Y-yes Hyungie?" Not even a minute or two had passed the bunny boy was already standing in front of Taehyung with his big black bambi eyes looking directly at the older. Waiting to serve his wife.

"Did you see my favorite suit? The nude one with a V neck dress shirt?" He asked the bunny, cause he was the only one who have an access inside his home. And Jeongguk is the one who always clean and arrange his stuffs, so maybe the bunny had kept it somewhere.

"Uhmm wifey..... gukkie... gukkie..." The bunny trailed off, he was getting scared and nervous because the suit that his wife was looking for was actually the clothes he had washed on his first day on Tae's apartment. Which he accidentally had ruined by putting a bleach on it. He hides it and thought that Taehyung wouldn't look for it anymore since he already has a lot of clothes. He didn't know that it was his wife's favorite clothes. Jeongguk is definitely doomed.

"You what? Speak fast. I'm going to get late at work." Tae said impatiently, crossing his arm which only intimidate the already scared bunny. But he frowned when he saw the younger walking away from him

Jeongguk being scared to death couldn't find himself to talk anymore so he opted to just get the said clothes and show it to Taehyung.

Taehyung was about to call the younger again but stopped when he saw Jeongguk  hesitantly entered his bedroom again.

"What are you hiding" he asked when he saw the bunny hiding something behind his back.

"Sowwy hyungie" the only words Jeongguk could utter before showing Tae's favorite suit which has several white patches on them because of the bleach.


What do you guys think would be Tae's reaction? Will he get mad or let it pass? since his icy heart is starting to crac?👀

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