2- A leaf in the wind

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3 years later

I have known Bolin for 3 years now and his brother doesn't hate me anymore so that's good. I may have developed a tiny crush on Bolin, JUST A SMALL ONE! But everytime we hang out or he even just talks to me, I feel like something is flying around in my stomach.

I finished my shift at the noodle shop and headed to the pro bending arena to watch his game. I maneuvered my way through the crowd and up to the box where the teams prepare. On my way I passed the gym where Bolin had just entered an put his arm around a random girl.

"It's okay Toza, she's with me."

"Oh whatever, just get out of my gym!"

He walked out with the girl and I decided to scare him a bit. I lightly tapped him on the shoulder which caused him to shriek.

"I still got it." I chuckled to myself.

"It's just you. Good one, Y/n."

"I know I'm amazing."

We headed up to the box and the girl immediately rushed to the railing and gawked at the huge stadium.

"It's pretty great isn't it." I said to her while Mako and Bolin were arguing about something. "I'm Y/n by the way."


"Ok we're up!" Bolin called to us.

"Good luck, not that you'll need it." I said back. The elevator descended and Korra and I cheered for them as they were announced. The match began and Hasook wen t flying over the edge, I never liked him anyway.

"Let's just hope that the fabulous bending brothers can hold out!" Shiro announced over the loudspeaker.

"C'mon Bolin..." I mumbled. The brothers were knocked back into zone 3 and had lost the round.

"Round 1 goes to the Golden Temple Tiger-dillos!" The ref called the play. The second round started and they were immediately pushed back into zone 2.

"C'MON!" Korra and I both yelled in unison. The team knocked the Tiger-dillos into zone 3 winning the second round.

"Tensions are still high as we move into the 3rd and final round!"

Hasook was knocked down and toppled onto Bolin. They were both knocked of the ring and now it was all up to Mako. He teatered over the edge of the ring seemingly trying to tire the other team out, and it worked. He knocked the water and fire-bender out of the ring. Mako continued to deflect the earth-benders attack. The huge dust cloud resulting from the standoff was used to Mako's advantage as he knocked the now blinded player out of the ring, winning the match. Korra and I jumped up and down cheering as the elevator returned up.

"WOO-HOO! YES! One more win and we're in the championship tournament!" He snapped off his helmet and looked at Korra. "So what d'you think? Bolin's got some moves huh."

"What did I think? WHAT DID I THINK! You guys are amazing, you gotta show me some moves."

"Oh definitely, I'm just not sure how my earth-bending translates to your water-bending."

"That's okay, I'm actually an earth-bender."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume, because of your water tribe getup, I thought you were a water-tribe gal."

"No-no you're right, I'm a water-bender and a fire-bender."

Bolin looked confused until Mako spoke up.

"You're the avatar and I'm an idiot."

I looked at Korra with a mixed confused and impress look.

"Holy spirits, you're the avatar!?" I exclaimed.

Love is in the air (Bolin x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now