10 - Turning the Tides

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We headed back to the air temple and I sat on my bed, twiddling my fingers. My door slid open and Bolin walked in and sat next to me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me.

"I never knew bloodbending could hurt so much and not being able to control myself, that shit- that shit's terrifying."

"I know, and the fact we couldn't do anything about it made me feel, weaker I guess."


"I just came into check on you, I'll be in my room if you need anything." He began to walk out but I stopped him.



"Do you...do you think you could stay for a bit? I don't really wanna be alone right now."

He smiled softly and sat next to me on my bed. I leaned into him and he pulled me in closer. He wrapped his arms around me and we both drifted into a well deserved sleep.

Next day 

Pema had made Korra some food and we sat with her at the table. Korra took a huge bite out of a steam bun and swallowed it with some tea.

"Thanks Pema, the food is amazing, I'm actually starting to feel like myself again."

Bolin snagged a bun of her plate and ate it, I elbowed him with a disappointed look but then took some of it and ate it. I got up and helped Pema and Asami with the dishes. I was stacking some plates when Pema let out a small scream.

"Pema are you okay?" I said rushing over to her.

"Yeah, just the baby is kicking really hard, that's all."

"Should we get Tenzin?"

"No reason to worry him, it's nothing."

Mako walked in through the curtain door with a teapot.

"Can I get some hot water? Korra needs more tea." 

"You're a firebender, boil it yourself." Asami shot at him.

Ohhh shit's about to go down!

"I'm gonna step out incase you two wanna talk." Pema said walking out.

I'm not, I thrive off drama.

I just kept doing dishes and made it look like I wasn't there, but in reality, I was listening, this was gonna be some good shit to gossip about with Korra.

"Is there something we need to talk about?" Mako started and I started a mental note pad.

"I noticed how you treat Korra, how you acted when she was missing, you have feeling for her don't you?"

Oh shit maybe I shouldn't tell Korra.

"What?! No! She was taken by a crazy bloodbender, how did you expect me to act?"

Wait that's a fair point.

"I like Korra, but you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time. "

"The truth? About what?"

Ohhh he fucked up!

 "You're really gonna make me say it!?"

Yeah Mako, are you?

"Yes! Because I don't know what you're talking about!"

 "The kiss Mako! I know."

Love is in the air (Bolin x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now