11- Skeletons in the Closet

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How did it come to this. Just a few months ago I was living off a noodle shop salary and now I'm in the middle of an all out war. For the first time in 3 years I want to go home, not just back to my dingy apartment, back to where I'm from, back to where I ran away from. 

I sat on a wooden crate next to Bolin and Asami while Korra and Mako were out doing reconnaissance. The two returned  and we walked up to them.

"You two were gone a while." Asami said folding her arms.

"We were doing reconnaissance. "


The homeless guy that took us in popped out of nowhere.

"Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite cause dinner is served!"

We sat around a large tree stump and we were each poured a bowl of, sludge? Stew? I had no idea what it was but one thing I know is that it smelt awful.

"Thanks for letting us hide here the past few days."

"Honoured to oblige! Me and my associates hardly oppose Amon's Equalist policies. We got benders and non bender living together down here, but do you see us fighting? No siree, we've learned to harmoniously coexist!  "

"You are a wise and noble hobo. Mmm this is the best tasting street grewal I've had, seriously!"

"I culled it from the finest dumpsters the city has to offer!"

Asami's face turned sour as she let the sludge dribble back into her bowl and she placed it beside her for Pabu to eat. 

That night I lay down  by the campfire next to Bolin. I stared up at the roof remembering what had happened the past few weeks. Bolin getting kidnapped, the equalists, Asami's dad, the attack on the pro-bending, getting arrested, Korra getting kidnapped, it was a lot and I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I had my arms folded over my chest when I felt a hand on my upper arm. I looked over at Bolin who was fast asleep and had his hand resting on my arm, like he was protecting me. It worked. I felt safe. I smiled slightly before drifting off to sleep. 

The next morning we approached the entrance to the hideout to look out for the United Forces. We walked out onto a rooftop and kept an eye out for battleships sailing into the harbour. 

"They're here!"

I looked out to see the fleet of grand battleships trudging into the harbour, but something felt off. I looked up to the sky and realised.

"Where are the airships ?"

"There aren't any mechs either?"

A loud explosion went of in the water.


I realised they were water mines and the battleships were rocking from side to side but stayed afloat. Korra dived into the water and went to detonate the mines. I heard a weird buzzing noise coming from above. I snatched the telescope off Mako and saw a swarm of planes hurling towards the fleet.

"Where does Hiroshi keep finding the time to invent more evil machines?!" 

The planes started dropping torpedo missiles into the water, sending one of the ships to sink. Some of the planes went down and equalists parachuted out of them. I watched as a huge spout of water spiralled out of the harbour, at the top was Korra. She took multiple planes down but lost  her balance and pummeled into the water below. Korra brought General Iroh back up to the hideout to heal him.

"I was prepared to deal with Sato's mecha tanks, but not these new high speed aircraft."

"I know, everytime we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us. "

"No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one."

"Amon's winning so far, but we're not out of the fight yet!"

"I like this man's confidence! So, how are we not out of the fight? "

Iroh stood up clutching his still injured arm from a missile.

"A second wave of reinforcements is on the way, but I need to warn them, do you still have a way to get a message out?"

"I know just the man for the job."

We found our favourite wise and noble hobo and he took us to like a communications room.

"And who is the recipient of this message?"

"Commander Bumi, second division of the United Forces."

"Tenzin's brother?" 

"Yes. Bit of a wild man, but the bravest commander you'll ever meet."

"Ready sir!"

General Iroh recited his message as the hobo translated it into morse code. 

"Fleet ambushed and destroyed by equalist aircraft, retreat to Redsand Island until my signal. Do not approach city until you have received the all clear." The message was complete and sent through to Commander Bumi. Iroh layed out a map of Republic City on a table.

"Now here comes the hard part, we need to land those aircraft otherwise Bumi's fleet will never be able to retake the city."

"They flew in from this direction, the airfield must be somewhere over this mountain range."

"Everyone get ready, we leave at dawn."

Everyone started walking away when Asami spoke up.

"It's time to take down my father!"


"Will you shut the fuck up!" Mako yelled at me.


We started walking into the main area when Korra stopped us.

"Wait! I'm sorry but I'm not going with you tomorrow!"


"Why not?"

"I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon! It's time I face him. "

"That's not a good plan, we need to stick together!"

"I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down, my guts telling me it's time to end this on my terms. "

"Korra this is not a mission you should be handling on your own!"

"She won't be, I'm going with you." Mako approached her.

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do."

"Let him, I couldn't care less." I said a little to loudly.

"You're a bitch, you know that Y/n?" Mako said.

"Oh yeah I know."

"My grandfather would trust the avatar's instincts,  so will I."

At dawn we prepared for the journey ahead. As we were leaving Mako and Bolin had a little moment.

"Love you little bro."

"Love you back big bro."

Damn so heartfelt.

"Korra, " Bolin started. ", Amon is a nasty dude, be careful."

"Yeah none of us want you getting banged up too badly, Mako? Not as much." Bolin elbowed me and I giggled.

"If you're going into the mountains, you should bring Naga. Take good care of Y/n and Bolin for me." Naga licked Bolin and she nuzzled into me.

We hopped on Naga and set off for our journey into the mountains.

We were going to put an end to this son of a bitch.

Love is in the air (Bolin x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now