9 - Out Of The Past

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I lay in my excuse for a bed thinking about shit I've never thought about before. 

How did animal hybrids become a regular thing?

Should I just- no.

Fuck when am I gonna get outta here?

At that moment my cell door crumpled and Chief Beifong was standing in the doorway with Asami, Mako and Bolin. Bolin ran up and hugged me.

"Thank the spirits you're okay!"

"Hate to break up the lovers reunion but we have an avatar to rescue."

We went to air temple island and into Tenzin's office where he was talking on the phone.

"I have to go, call me back the minute you hear anything." He hung up the phone and stood up. "Lin? What are you- you should be in the hospital and you four! You should be in prison! "

"I figured you could use some help finding Korra."

"Any leads?"

"I've been on the phone all morning but nothing yet."

"We need Naga! She can track Korra. "

"I'm afraid her polar bear dog is missing to."

"Then where do we start?" 

"My guess is that the equalists  are living underground, in the maze of tunnels beneath the city. "

"Underground just like my fathers factory, figures."

"That makes sense, when those chi-blockers kidnapped me, it sounded like we were going through a tunnel.  "

"I know where to start looking! C'mon!" 

We ran out of the office and onto Tenzin's flying bison, Oogi. We flew to a dirty looking spot surrounded by abandoned buildings. Mako pointed us in the right direction towards an intersection.

"Fuck! Where do we go now?" I yelled earning a glare from Chief Beifong.

"This way smells familiar." Bolin pointed ahead.

"Maybe that was just the smoke talking." I remarked.

"Yeah probably."

Beifong stomped her foot on the ground and looked up at us.

"There's a tunnel that way!" 

We all followed her to a rusting tunnel entrance. Beifong bended the door open and we ran inside. We came across a room with four tunnel entrances.

"This one!"

"What if she's not there?"

"Then we pick another one until we find her!" 

We walked through the dimmed tunnels, footsteps echoing in the rounded halls. I heard the sounds of revving motorcycles and we all hid behind a wall. We followed the chi blockers when a metal door closed behind them. Beifong glided her fingertips across the cold metal and felt the mechanism inside. she unlocked the door with metal bending and we found ourselves in like a trolley station. A tram had returned with a chi blocker sitting in it.

"Everything was delivered to the prison sir."

"That's probably where they're keeping Korra." I whispered. We snuck onto the tram and Beifong pushed us along the tracks. There was a light at the end of the tunnel and an alarm sounded. We quickly hopped off and his in the darkness.

"It's empty!"

"Yeah, I can see that."

 Chief Beifong used her cables to pull the chi-blockers into the tunnel.

"You three keep an eye on them."

She scanned the prison for Korra and her officers.

"My officers are inside."

"What about Korra?"

"I don't see her yet. "

Mako, Tenzin and Beifong left to find the captured officers and hopefully Korra, leaving Asami, Bolin and I to keep an eye on the equalists.

"How long do you think we'll be left here for?" I asked.

"I don't know, hopefully not for long, this place is giving me the creeps." Bolin said glancing around the dingy prison.

"So uhh I realised you haven't told us a whole lot about yourself Y/n." Asami said.

"I'd like to keep it that way."

"Oh come on, we're your friends, where are you from."

"I uh-I'm from Republic City."

"What was your family like?" Asami asked out of the blue.

"Woah Asami! That's a personal topic for her!" Bolin defended me.

"I'm an orphan, I don't remember my family."

"Oh gosh! I am so sorry, I shouldn't have pushed." Asami frantically apologised.

"It's fine-"

An alarm blared in my ears as we ran back to the tram. The others returned with rescued police officers, but no Korra. 

"Let's go people!"

The tram rolled down the tracks as we were being pursued by equalists. Bolin pushed Mako out of the way and collapsed the tunnel section in between us.

"Nice one!"

 "We got more company!"

I looked ahead to see the lieutenant surrounded by chi blockers and mechs. Beifong took down the railing above to launch us above the equalists. We broke through the ground above and ended up on the street. We went to city hall to meet with the other council members, minus Tarrlock, as well as the new chief of police. 

"Have news on Avatar Korra?" Tarrlock walked in.

"We do, equalists never attacked, you captured her. "

"How could you accuse me of such an evil act!"

"You planted the evidence! "

"That is ridiculous!"

"It's true!" A voice called from the balcony. "He took her! I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night but Councilman Tarrlock ordered me to leave. On my way out I saw  Tarrlock bring her down to the garage."

"That is nonsense! Everyone knows you're a squeaky voiced liar!"

"Why did you wait until now to fess up?"


"Tarrlock don't make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra!" 

I took a fighting stance when I felt my blood stiffening and my bones cracking. I screamed in agony as well as the others. I tried to break free but I couldn't even move my fingertips. We were brought to the ground and I blacked out from the pain. I finally woke up and tried to recall what happened.

"Ow, I just had a weird dream that Korra was kidnapped by an evil bloodbender."

"Bo that really happened. He knocked us out."

"Are you serious! Where is he?! Is he here right now!"

"Tarrlock is long gone, I'll alert the whole force. "

The police force left.

"We've only been out for a little while, we can still pick up Tarrlock's trail."

"It could lead us to Korra! Let's go."

We ran to Oogi and soared the skies of Republic City searching for anything that could help us. The day fell to night and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I heard a low howl and recognised it as Korra's polar bear dog.

"That's Naga!" We swooped down towards the howl and saw Naga with Korra draped over her back.


Mako picked up Korra and carried her to Oogi. I noticed Asami's look of grimace and I, an empath, went over and placed my hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight nod. 

Mako's kind off a dick.

Love is in the air (Bolin x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now