Chapter 12

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"Well, what do you mean?"

"I mean, I think you should start seeing someone else, Mike." Luke said nonchalantly with a friendly clap on my back.

I shook my head, sitting down on his couch as I slowly tapped my foot to a Fall Out Boy song that was playing through his loud speakers.

"I think you should at least try," he continued, not really grasping the fact I wanted to drop the topic.

I watched as Luke propped his feet up on the coffee table, crossing his arms and giving me a glare.

"Michael, you're being stubborn," he rolled his eyes. I gave him a look from the corner of my eye, choosing to ignore him and try to text Addie.

But once again, I was faced with the same, message 4001 an error has occurred.

"Give me your phone," Luke started again, holding out his left hand and swiping some free strands of blonde hair back into his beanie with his right.

"No," I said defensivley as I pushed my phone against my chest.

Luke then argued that, scientifically proven, if I keep my eyes locked on my phone I wouldn't get a single text.

"If I texted my mum help I would get lots of texts, thank you very much," I laughed briskly.

"Michael, you're so hung up on this stupid girl," he began to say but I cut him off with a scowl. "If you're so hung up on her, you're missing out on so much!"

I crossed my arms and gave him a blank look, "Like what?"

"Like this party Calum's having tonight..." Luke said in a small voice as he dragged his Vans covered foot against my wood floor. I cringed at the squeaking noise that came from his actions.

"Are you seriously asking me to go to a party? After what just happened?" I ask in disbelief, shaking my head at his attempt at a puppy dog eyes.

"Please Mikey," he started to beg, widening his blue eyes even more and pouting his pink lips.

"No," I snorted at his stupidity.

"Oh, please Mike? Please, I'll do anything!" Luke whined, getting down on his knees and clasping his hands together in a pleading action.

"No, you're so stupid, shut up, Luke." I rolled my eyes as I kicked at his knee.

Luke finally got up and pretended to wipe a tear as flopped back on the couch dramatically.

"Fine," he grumbled, picking his phone up. "I'll go with Ashton, I guess," he said glumly.

I shook my head as I considered what I was going to do. Was I going to let Luke go with Ash when I plainly knew how poorly Ashton treated him? Or was I going to suck it up and be a good best friend?

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