Chapter 1: An Old Hawk

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Izuku Midoriya, a good kid with good grades, a good personality, and a kid with a big dream. What is that dream? Well he wants to be a hero. Any ordinary person who would say "You can do it since you've got a quirk." Well Izuku is a one of those people who don't have quirks, which means he can't be a hero. Now, you would think that someone like Izuku would simply just give up, well you're wrong.

Izuku kept on fighting and believing in his dream even when others wouldn't. From his teachers, to classmates, to best friend who basically hates him now and told him to kill himself so that he can have a quirk, to even his own mother.

He went through all the hate and kept on believing that he could make it. All he needed was the right words from the right person, and who better than your idol and the number one hero, All Might.

He meet's All Might after a villain attack, jumps on his back, finds out that his idol is dealing with an injury that basically cripples his hero work to three hours, and after finding this all out Izuku had to ask him the question that made him get up in morning.

"Can I become a hero, even though I don't have quirk?"

You would think that an inspiring and charismatic hero like All Might would say "Yes, only if you work hard enough." Too bad that the person you idolize since childhood tells you that you can't do it and add insult to injury tells you that you should find another career and oh wait, here's the kicker your idol tells you that you should dream realistically.

Damn, that last one felt like All Might and everyone else that told Izuku he couldn't do it just kicked him right in the balls.

So now Izuku was on the rooftop that All Might left him on, standing there with a defeated look on his face. He started to walk to the door that would lead him off the roof and he looked at the door to the stairwell.

He was about to turn the knob, but then he had a woke moment. He came to realize that maybe his best friend was right. Maybe if he kill himself so he could get quirk somewhere else, so he started to walk back to the edge of the roof.

Izuku looked down at the ground with a strained smile and with tears pouring down his eyes. The teen looked at the ground for a few minutes, and then he looked back up at city that he called his home for years.

Izuku thought about about his whole life and his family, which was just his mother. Hell he's the reason that she bloated up, she blamed herself for not giving him quirk.

Izuku took one last look at the city and then looked to the ground. "Everyone will be better off without me." After those words the teen jumped off roof. He didn't leave a suicide note, a final goodbye to his mom, nothing. He just lost all hope and decided to end it all.

As Izuku was falling to ground waiting with anticipation for the pavement to come in contact with his flesh and as this happened an old man saw the kid falling.

Izuku was reaching the ground and was probably a couple feet from death, and as he was getting close he closed his eyes prepared to meet his end. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on who you ask, someone decided to intervene.

Izuku for some reason was still alive, he opened his eyes and saw that he was couple inches off the ground. The teen wonder why and when he looked up he got his answer. Izuku looked up to see that an arrow was embedded in his uniform. "Wha-"

"You know I'm not as 'hip' as you young kids might say, but I'm pretty sure that jumping off a building is not good way to make yourself cool." Izuku turned his head to the direction of the voice and saw an old man with a bow in his hand.

The old man had grey hair and a grey beard to go with it, he had wrinkles all over his white skin, and he was wearing black shades with purple lenses. As for his clothes he was wearing baggy jeans, a brown cap, and a black shirt with a purple arrow on it.

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