Chapter 10: Arrow and Shield Combo

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**AN: I'm baaaacckkk. What's up peeps, here with a new chapter and for the next two months you are going to get updates on this story. We are in season two mode and the sports festival is coming up next. Anyway here is the new chapter, witness The Archer and The Super Soldier go to work. **

Izuku was beyond shock, his partner for the danger room session was none other than his fellow Avenger, Captain America. The teen didn't even know how to handle this, like what he does he say. Does he say sir to him? Does he act like himself? Does he not do anything? Should he asked to hold his shield? Yeah, he should ask that last one.

Owen saw Izuku shocked facial expression and was used to it, most agents have the same reaction when he tells them his last name. "You can relax." Izuku shook his head and looked at his...captain as they neared the door to start the session.

"My bad, but you can't blame a guy for having that reaction. I mean your father was Captain fucking America."

"Language." Izuku stopped walking and looked at him. '_Did he just say language?' _Izuku decided to ignore that and continue walking.

"So, what's that plan captain, sir." Owen raised his eyebrow at Izuku, he could tell that the teen was too tight. He read from his file that he was loose, laid back, and more talkative. He doesn't want that change that, he wants the kid to still be the same.

"Relax, Izuku. You don't have to call me sir, cap is good while we're in the field." Izuku modded his head at that as the captain continued to speak.

"I've seen your training sessions. Your good, still need work, but good. I want you to be yourself, imagine that I'm not even your CO. I'm just a partner that is going to help you rescue the president of the United States from terrorists." Izuku was actually surprised, he thought Owen would be the soldier type, you know the bye the book. But I guess he was wrong, he still had that vibe to him, but he didn't seem half bad.

"Aye, aye, cap. You want Izuku, then you're going to get Izuku and be warned I have no plans of failing like last time." Owen smiled as he both arrived at the door, Owen did one last check and he looked to Izuku and saw him putting earbuds.

"Are you serious?" Owen had never seen anyone put earbuds in their ears during a mission, no less a training exercise. Izuku shrugged his shoulders and Owen looked back at the door with shock expression, the man shook his head and looked at the light. The light on the door was red and then turned green, when it did the doors opened and both Avengers went in.

Owen entered first than Izuku, the teen was scrolling through his playlist to find a song and landed on RTJ** (Run the Jewel)** _Oh_ _Mama_. Izuku began to nod to the beat of the song and asked cap what the plans was.

"What's the plan, cap?" Owen kept his eyes forward as the two entered the forest, the rain had begun to pour down and the thunder began to boom.

"The plan is to extract the president, Logan informed me that this is not going to be a stealth mission. This an assault operation, they are going to come after us with everything they have. We get into the cabin, find the president, get him out and get him too evac. Got it?" Izuku smiled as he shades lit up green and flexed his new limb.

"Got it, shoot them till they drop. This is going to be fun, the Archer and the Soldier." Owen got serious as he looked into the woods, the soldier began to move quietly and Izuku followed behind him. As the two were moving Owen expected Izuku to stay silent, like him, but he was wrong. Again he read that Izuku was chatty, but Izuku was...was very chatty as they moved.

"So what's it like being Captain America? Are you a super soldier to? Have you met the Falcon or even the Winter Soldier? Also is that **the** shield or is that some new one? How come you haven't answered me?" Owen literally had a tick mark on his forehead, Izuku had a sly smile, and Stark was laughing in the observation room.

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