Chapter 2: The fruits of training

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Izuku got home from his first day with training with Clint and he was utterly exhausted. Honestly the boy looked like he was about to just fall over and die. Inko saw her son come home and went to him quickly.

"Izuku, what on earth happened to you?" Izuku tiredly turned his head to his mother as she brought him to the couch. "I'm sorry mom, I was just training." Inko was confused, but soon had a feeling of what he meant.

"Izuku, please tell me you're not going to be doing what I think?" Izuku nodded his head and Inko brought her hands to her face as tears began to pour out.

"Izuku, why? Why must you continue this way? I get it! I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a quirk!" Inko screamed at her and Izuku was surprised by the outburst that he painfully sit himself up. Inko felt her hands be grabbed by her son and be pulled down. Izuku saw the tears in his mother eyes.

"Mom, it's ok and it's not your fault. It happens or it doesn't. No one can control it, but even though I don't have a quirk, I still can't give up on my dream. I can do this, so please just trust me." Izuku begged to his mother and she took sigh, her son was stubborn just like his father.

"Alright Izuku, you can continue to do your… training." Izuku smiled when he heard and soon laid back down on the couch.

"Uhh... mom, I hate to ask this but you can bring me some blankets because I don't think I can move." Izuku said with a sweat drop and his mother nodded her head. Inko went and brought out Izuku All Might blanket, the teen blushed from embarrassment that he still had this and reminded himself to get rid of it. To get rid of the blanket and all of his All Might gear.

Izuku dreams were crushed by the one person he looked up to his whole life. Izuku still had respect for All Might and thinks he's a great hero, but when you crush someone dreams it kind of leaves a sour taste in their mouth and your image of them changes.

So right now Izuku doesn't have a favorite hero... well, a favorite hero that has a quirk. Izuku new favorite heroes was the one's his teacher talked about.

The hero's like Nick Fury, Mockingbird, Hawkeye, Karate Kid, Iron Man, Falcon, Captain America, and the Black Widow. All from the earlier generation heroes and all were quirkless. All they had was gadgets, wits, skill, heart, and most importantly will. They succeeded in their careers and took down villains with nothing but their bodies.

They existed in an era where there were no rankings and heroes were doing heroic deeds for the right reason and that is all the reason they needed. Those are heroes worth looking up to, and those are the heroes who Izuku is inspired to be like. Hopefully with Clint's training Izuku can accomplish his dreams of being a quirkless hero of his generation and inspire many of society that are quirkless.

Izuku soon closed his eyes as he let the sleep take him and for the first time in a long time Izuku had actual smile on his face.

* * *

**Next day**

Izuku woke up the next day sore, very, very, very sore. Every part of his body ached, but he was somehow able to still move. Izuku went to the shower and made his way to his room to change into a sweat suit. Today was Sunday so it was the final day of his weekend and Izuku already planned on spending it with Clint's training.

Izuku got dressed and headed on his way out to the junk yard that he Clint he was training at. He saw that Clint was already there eating an apple. Clint with his advanced training knew that Izuku was already there.

"Kid, let's go. Time wasting." Clint started with his words and the teen hurried over to the rundown car where his teacher was sitting on.

"What are we going to today, Clint?" Izuku asked and Clint stared at him for while.

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