Chapter 6: Avenger Forever

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Barton was not having a good day right now, actually he was having a terrible day. He infiltrated a base to gain the location of the villainous Red Skull, he found it.

Next, he went to the location and attacked the base in hopes of destroying it with that said man inside. That last part didn't go so well. Everything was going his way until he got to the bottom levels and that's where shit hit the fan.

Barton thought that he could kill the man that killed Captain America all by his lonesome self, hell he thought he could kill a Nazi super soldier. Boy was he wrong. Now Hawkeye his fighting a revived Red Skull and this time he doesn't have back up.

This time he doesn't have the Avengers and this time the Red Skull has powers. The odds don't seem good, but Barton was one to never in believe in the odds. He was not afraid and he was going to fight with everything that he had. As Avengers always do.

"You will die today, Barton." The Red Skull said darkly as his eyes glowed red, Barton meanwhile smiled and hit him a quick joke.

"Before you do that, can you please put some pants on. I mean nobody wants to see your junk." Red Skull was not in the mood for the archer's stupid jokes and focused his eyes upon him. Barton would widen his eyes when he saw a two red laser beams come from the nazi's eyes.

Barton rolled out of the way, he thought he dodged them, but that was wrong. Barton would see that beams made a hard right turn and come straight for him.

The old archer with his quick reflexes dodged again and this time the beams hit a tree. The tree now had two red scorch holes and it was cut in half from the power of the beams. Barton looked at the tree and looked back at Red Skull.

"That's new." Barton quipped as he grabbed another arrow and Red Skull decided to humor him.

"Yes, the times have changed and with that the power of individuals. Lucky for me I have an associate that was able to get these...quirks for me." Barton narrowed his eyes at the naked man and questioned him.

"Associate? All the heads of Hydra are dead or imprisoned." Red Skull gave a dark chuckle at the archer's foolishness.

"Not all the heads were from Germany. There was one that I found and he had an extraordinary power. I taught him how to control it, how to manipulate people, how to strike fear, and he eventually became a student that I was proud of. I brought him into Hydra and he became a head. My defeat in our last battle left my body broken, I knew it would take years for me to recover. So I reached out to him and told him to give me the powers of the world when it evolves and he did. My student took powers from many as the time passed and those that he deemed worthy he gave to me." Barton widen his eyes at all this, if what Red Skull says is true then there is only one person that could fit his description.

"Well you're out of luck, your student was defeated by a hero of this time." Red Skull laughed again and told Barton something that made him worry.

"Cut off one head, two more take its place. I thought you Avengers knew that already. He's alive and I once I deal with you I will make contact with him. Then our plans can begin and Hydra will rule the world." Barton had enough and fired an explosive arrow at nazi. Red Skull moved his head to the side and the arrow hit the tree.

"Over my dead body." Barton said as he loaded another arrow, this time he had two explosive ones.

"Yes, it will be." Red Skull eyes glowed red again and he fired the beams, while Barton charged forward. Avenger and Hydra battling for the final time and this time only **one** walks away.

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The students of Class 1-A were having a bad field trip. Why you may ask, well it was because their field trip was invaded by villains and they looked for real. The students were all upstairs while the villains that came were down below with some kind of bird monster.

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