Chapter 5:Bad Guys Strike

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Snow was falling everywhere, it covered the ground, the trees, bushes and so on. Two men were guarding a door and both had guns. They were standing like statues with their eyes forward, and fingers on triggers if a threat came. The guard on the right walked a couple feet forward, he narrowed his eyes when he some kind of flickering light.

The man now became alert as he thought this was some kind of attack, before he grabbed his gun the man was hit in the chest with arrow. He collapsed and the other guard quickly grabbed his radio, but he couldn't call for help as he too was hit by an arrow. Both men were dead with arrows in their chest and miles away is where the shooter reside.

Barton was in a tree, his clothes were white to camouflage him from the guards. When the old man saw that his arrows hit, he jumped down from the tree and got on the snowmobile that he used to get the mountain.

The old avenger soon arrived at the base, he turned off the snowmobile and walked up to the doors. Barton saw a keypad on the wall, he grabbed his phone and held it up to the keypad.

Lasers soon came from the phone camera lens and marked the numbers that had finger prints on them. After that was done the phone showed Barton the combination that was used to open the avenger soon put those numbers in and the doors opened. Barton took a deep breath as the doors opened, he ready with his arrows for he knew a fight was about to commence.

The avenger narrowed his eyes before the door were officially opened as he saw a symbol that he hoped to never see again. The symbol was a skull in red color with six octopus tentacles underneath it. It was a symbol of the enemy that he and world hoped gone.

A symbol of evil, destruction, fear, and a symbol of the Avengers greatest enemy. It was the symbol of **Hydra**. The doors had fully opened in Barton walked into the base, prepared for whatever he face and ready to accept whatever his fate may be.

* * *

**Izuku's room**

Izuku woke up from sleep with heavy sweat on his body, the teen was huffing and puffing as he grabbed his phone. '_No text or call from Barton. I hope he's alright.' _The teen thought as he wonders about his teacher. Izuku got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom to shower, he didn't feel like going back to bed.

The teen had showered and got his uniform on, right now he was eating some cereal before he left for school. "Izuku," Izuku saw his mother come into the small kitchen that the apartment had, she was in her pajamas.

"Izuku, honey what are you doing up so early? You don't have to go to school for another two hours." Inko said as Izuku rubbed his head and told her what's on her mind.

"I know mom, it's just I had a bad dream and I didn't want to go back to bed. I'm just going to head to school early." Izuku said as he finished his cereal, cleaned the bowl and grabbed his keys. Inko saw her son leave and had a worried look on her face. The mother could only hope that son would be alright.

* * *


Izuku had taken his bike to UA and had arrived at the school early, he parked it and headed inside the building. The teen had nothing to do, so he just wandered the empty halls.

'_I haven't heard from Barton in while. I know he told me that he would be busy, but I just hope that he's alright.' _The teen thought that as he continued to walk around the halls, someone did eventually call out to him.

"Izuku," Izuku turned his head to see the principal waving his paw at him.

"Hey, principal Nezu. How are you this morning?"

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