Chapter 9:Green as grass

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Thunder boomed into the sky and rain poured down as a man stepped out an expensive log cabin. The man walked to the stairs and dug into his pocket, he was searching for his cigarettes. When he found it, he lit one and put the cancer stick in his mouth. The man inhaled some smoke and soon released a cloud of it into the air. He was now looking out into the lush forest... well trying to look.

There was nothing to see since it was pitch black outside, the only source of light the man had was moon and occasionally lighting that struck the sky. The man took another smoke, but before he could release it he saw something in the forest.

He saw what seemed like a flickering light, the man tossed his cigarette and grabbed his SMG. He began to walk forward as he saw more of the flickering light appear, when he walked down the wooden steps is where he made his mistake.

Once the man reached the grass he felt hit something hit and pierce his chest, the man was in shock. What had hit him in the chest was a black arrow and he tried to grab his radio, but whatever was in the arrow prevented him from moving. The man soon collapsed on the ground and deep in the forest is where the shooter resided.

"He's down." Izuku whispered as he was miles away from the cabin. The teen was wearing his signature green shades, with a black trench coat zipped up, black pants, black boots, and a black fingerless glove on his right hand.

"Affirmative. Nice shot, kid." A deep male voice spoke next Izuku and the teen turned his head to see a white male wearing black tactical gear.

"Bravo Team, move up." The soldier ordered as he, Izuku, and two others moved deep into the forest. "Prophet, Bravo Team is nearing the house." The leader said aloud as he and everyone else on the team was met with a female voice.

"Understood Bravo. Package is still inside, retrieve the package and get it delivered." Fury order the team.

"Affirmative. You heard the boss, let's get that package." Bravo's leader told his team and they nodded.

"There are bound to be more hostiles surrounding the house." Another soldier said and the leader had a plan for that.

"Midoriya, fire a scanner in the air."

"Yes, sir." Izuku grabbed an arrow from his quiver and loaded it up. When he released string the arrow flew into the sky and a red light appeared. The light was only visible to the Izuku and the soldiers for they were wearing the proper gear. The soldiers saw the hostiles appear on their gear and Izuku saw them appear on his shades. All the hostiles were covered in a red aura.

"They're two guarding the back entrance." Izuku told them and the leader formed a plan.

"Frost, Shanon, you two head back and take the guards. When that's done go through the back way and we'll rendezvous with you in the house. Midoriya, you're with me. We're going through front." The soldiers nodded, but before Frost and Shannon left to take the back way the leader still had some words to stay.

"Remember, this stealth only. We can't risk the package getting damaged. So Midoriya keep it tight and stay frosty." The leader looked to Izuku since he was the green one among them. As he said those words he noticed that his left hand kept twitching.

"That thing going to be good?" Izuku knew what he was talking about and looked at his arm, his new metal arm. The teen narrowed his eyes behind his shades and focused, his focusing made he made the twitching stop. When it stopped it he made a fist with the arm to be sure that everything was in working order.

"I'll be fine." Izuku told him, he wouldn't let his arm compromise the mission. The leader eyed Izuku closely and decided to take his word.

"Alright then, let's see what that arm can do." Bravo and Izuku started to move to the house, when they reached the stairs Izuku moved the body into a bunch of bushes. Once that was done he met up with Bravo leader. Both the leader and Izuku where hugging the wall as they were about to breach the front entrance.

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