Chapter 14: Alliances are made

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**AN:** Yo, peeps. Been awhile, but I'm here with a new chapter. Now next chapter is the official start of the Sports Festival and I now have what I want for all three events. This is a here, is a filler chapter and the title says it all. Izuku will not win every thing in the festival, that's not his goal. His goal is to steal the show, to out perform everyone else, and to put the quirkless back on the map. So in these next few chapters you will see a more cocky and defiant Izuku.

Izuku is going to challenge the social Norm that only people with quirks can be heroes and Melissa is going to be with him, just not as loud. Now before we get to reviews let's talk about what you all can expect in the sports festival.

In the first event it will be the race, same as canon. Izuku wins, just letting you now. It's going to be funny though, because he has a trick up sleeve like the quirkless devil that he is.

In the second event...get ready for this. It will be a **quirkless capture the flag**, but solo. There will be certain number of flags in the woods. The students will have to capture the flag without the use of powers and the only weapon they have is paintball guns. Now since Izuku wins the race he gets to chose the stipulation for the second even which his capture the flag and his choice is NO POWERS. Let's see if the students can survive without the thing that makes them special. If the student gets the flag and makes it too the safe zone they proceed to tournament.

Third Event, Tournament. I hope to conclude all of this four chapters and then we move to the Red Room and we finally meet Black Widow Melissa.

Danny woke up groaning as he heard his alarm clock ring. Today was Monday, the worst day of the week and it was the day that everyone would return to school after the USJ fiasco. Today would also be the day that Izuku was supposedly coming back, no one knew that he was back except for Melissa, Nezu, and his dad. Those three having seen the teen and somewhat seeing his new arm.

Danny got up out of bed and got dressed for school, he was now in the kitchen eating cereal and waiting for Melissa to come. He didn't ask her about the date, but she did come home happy so he figured that it went well. He also didn't ask her if Izuku mentioned his dad at all, he figured not since he didn't hear yelling from her about how wrong he was about Izuku.

His dad dogged a bullet if Izuku didn't tell her, but eventually he's going to have to face it from her and boy is it going to be worse than him. Melissa wrath is unknown too many, but she does have one. Ah, speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"Hey, Danny. Ready for school?" Melissa asked little to excitedly for the Danny and he raised an eyebrow wondering what got her happy this Monday morning.

"Yeah. What's up with you this morning?" Melissa looked at her cousin with a confused look as she poured herself some coffee in a mug. She shrugged her shoulders and answered his question.

"Nothing much. I do feel happy today. It just feels like it's going to be a great day. I can't feel that way?" Melissa asked accusingly and Danny panicked. He put his arms up defensively and shook his head.

"Hey, you do you. I was just curious that's all." Danny said as he went to the sink to wash his bowl out, he was done and it was getting late. They needed to get a move on if they wanted to be on time.

"Where Uncle Toshi?" Melissa asked as both teens were putting on their shoes.

"He left early today. Something about getting ready to prepare for the Sports Festival next week. Everyone in the UA is able to compete in the festival. Are you going to do it, Melissa?" Danny asked her as they were both outside now and walking to the train station.

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