Chapter 17: The Tournament Round Begins

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**AN: Hey peeps, welcome to new chapter and now we are near the climax of the arc. The first round begins and the next chapter we have the quarter final and semi final. **

**Now, I won't go into massive detail of every match, but I will tell how they won and what they did to win. I'm just to tell Danny's, Izuku, Melissa, and Mei battles. Get ready because I got big plans for the next round and the finals. Anyway I won't do reviews from last chapter since there was not a whole lot of them. But enjoy the first round of the tournament round. **

**All Might**



_Disclaimer: I own nothing that does not have (OC)_

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**Chapter 18: The Tournament Round Begins**

**{Play Eminem Lose Yourself}**

If you had one shot, one opportunity to achieve everything that you ever wanted. Would you capture it? You would, would you not. Well that is what's in store for these sixteen students that had made it to the final event of the Sports Festival. The tournament round is set and the contenders are ready to do battle with each other. They all have fought their way to two events and finally made their way here, and this is the last stop before greatness.

Danny was shadow boxing on the wall in the bowels of the building, his punches flying at speeds that would make even boxing champion proud. He finished with upper-cut and turned to leave, his destination for the stands for the tournament was about to begin. But before he could leave, his path was blocked by another familiar person and that was no other than Shoto.

Shinso in the bathroom, the general studies student looking at himself in the mirror as he took a deep breath in. When he released it he began to head to the door, his dream was right there. He was so close and he could feel it, all he had to do now is win.

Itsuka Kendo was in the women's bathroom, practicing her martial arts technique. She threw a high kick and finished with an axe kick down. When her routine was done she nodded her head and walked out the door, her destination the stands. Eijiro was in the halls leading toward the stadium stands, the teen had a large smile on his face as he cracked his knuckles.

Ochako was in the women's locker room as she paced back and forth, taking deep breaths and trying to calm her heart rate. When she was ready she took off her jacket and walked out of the room. Mina was leaning on the wall near the entrance, she was rubbing her hands with a smile on her face as acid appeared on them.

Tenya was stretching his legs as he got ready for his match, the teen eyes were focused as he continued to do the stretches. Mei was in the lab working on her gadgets, goggles covering her eyes as sparks. She quickly tried to finish an invention before the tournament started. When it was done she put the gun in her bag and put own black gloves, soon walking out of the mini support room.

Ojiro was meditating on the floor, the karate expert keeping a calm mind as the clock ticked down, there wasn't much time before the first two fighters entered the ring. Neito walked confidently to the stands with a smile on his face, the teen predicted his victory not just in this fight, but for the rest of the tournament. He will show the world and Class 1-A the power of Class 1-B.

Katsuki growled as an explosion came from his hands, the teen had his powers back and he was glad for that. Now he could use them on the man that took them away from him in the last event. Katsuki had his eyes set on one man during this tournament and it was Izuku, so he hoped that the deku wins, only so he could face him.

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