Chapter 13: The Date

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Danny and All Might rode in silence as they made their way back home. During the ride Danny had learned what his father had said to Izuku to make him dislike him so much and he couldn't believe it. He like, really couldn't believe it.

His dad, the number one hero, the role model to everyone, the symbol of peace, All Might, that guy. That guy told someone, someone that he sees as his best friend, he told that someone being Izuku that he couldn't become a hero.

"I can't believe you." Danny said he didn't even look at his father. The teen just looked out the window with a shock look. Now it all makes sense for him, everything that Izuku has said about All Might. It makes sense and honestly he can't blame him. He would feel the same exact way if someone told him he couldn't be a hero.

"I was trying to protect him, Danny." All Might had said about a dozen times during this car ride, he didn't mean to hurt Izuku, but he was trying to look out for him.

"That's not your right. You can't tell someone that they can't be a hero because our job is too dangerous. If that were true then Nana wouldn't have given you OFA." Danny winced and so did All Might. As much as Danny had a point with Nana giving All Might OFA, that was still a low blow, even for the blonde teen.

Nana Shimura had OFA before All Might, she was the one that passed it down to his father and trained him to become who he is today. When All Might was shouting to the world that he will be a hero no one believed him, except for her. Only Nana believed in him.

"I know, Daniel. I know." All Might told him sadly, he messed up, he knew that and now he wants to make it right. But how is the question? Danny turned his head back to his father as the car came to stop. They were home, but before they would get out this car, Danny would give his dad some honest words.

"Look dad, I know you wanted to protect Izuku. I don't agree with it, but I get it. Still you have to fix this, this won't leave your consciousness till you do. You messed up, you went against everything that All Might stood for and crushed Izuku dreams. He was your biggest fan and I'm not exaggerating when I say that. He worshipped you and now he hates your gut."

"I'm trying to apologize, Danny, but-"

"But nothing. This is not something that can go away with an apology. This something that you have to fix as a man." Danny was about to get out of the car, but decided to tell his father one last thing before leaving.

"Izuku was heart broken... he was basically destroyed when he told him that he couldn't be a hero. He was so messed that he tried to kill himself. Kill himself, you were the one responsible for that." Toshinori leaned back on his seat, he put his thumb and index finger to his eyes.

"I know, Nezu told me." Danny got out of the car after that and left his father, he didn't need to say anymore and All Might didn't need to hear anymore. He heard enough and now he wanted to make it right. If Nana would hear she would be able to give him some advice, but if she was here, she also would be disappointed in what he did.

Danny walked into his home, he was still angry at what his dad told him. No wonder Izuku doesn't like All Might and now he gets what Izuku meant when he asked him about his dislike for his father. "_Not all heroes are your idols." _

'_Maybe Izuku is right, , maybe heroes are not really our idols after all.' _Danny sat down on the couch and leaned his head back. Frustration was written all over his face and had reasons for it. He had lied to Izuku, still wasn't sure if they're cool or not. Then he finds out that his dad is the one that drove Izuku to kill himself. And...and let's not forget that Izuku is some kind secret agent that is working with a mysterious woman and they both now know about OFA. Yeah, it's been a hectic day. Why does he feel he is forgetting something?

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