
34 1 11

Word count: 1,232

One step, two steps. The familiar sound of volleyballs hitting the floor and shoes squeaking filled my ears. My heart was pounding, and my thoughts racing. I reached for the door handles to the gym, slowly pulling them open.

"Good morning!" I called out to my friends. A wide grin plastered on my face. It was my first day of junior high. "Good morning, Y/n!" My best friend, Atsumu Miya, responded. His twin brother, Osamu, muttered a good morning as well.

"Hurry up, Kenma! We're gonna be late!" A familiar voice. I turned to see another one of my friends. Kuroo Tetsuro. And Kenma Kozume. Unsurprisingly, Kenna was glued to one of his games. Kenma was always quite quiet.

"Hi, Kuroo!" I greeted the black-haired boy. "Hey, Y/n! How are you doing??" He asked, a smile on his face as well on mine.

"I'm good! What about you??" My smile only grew larger. I was really glad I had these boys as my friends.

"I'm pretty good as well! I'd be better if Kenma woke up on time for once," He frowned, glaring at Kenma. "Sorry," Kenma apologized without a hint of guilt in his voice.

Kuroo crossed his arms and made a 'hmph' sound. "You're not sorry."

Kenma and Kuroo started to bicker back and forth. They had been friends for much longer than I'd been friends with anyone in our friend group.

I shook my head at the insults the two boys threw at each other and turned to the Miya twins. "Do you guys wanna play volleyball after school today??" I asked. My parents had just bought me a new volleyball for my birthday and I was dying to have someone play with me.

"Of course! How could we say no, Y/n?? Volleyball is the best sport EVER!" Atsumu shouted, drawing a bit of attention to the group. I laughed softly, brushing off the eyes that were our group. 

The warning bell rang through the school, notifying students that they had five minutes until the tardy bell. With this, Kuroo and the Miya twins said their goodbyes and rushed to their respective classes.

I chose a seat closer to the back so I could sit by Kenma. Kenma sat in the seat next to me. We chatted back and forth until the tardy bell finally rang.

"Good morning, class!" The teacher announced from the front of the room. "I'm Mrs. Fukuda and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year." Mrs. Fukuda introduced herself to the students.

"For your first assignment, I'd like you all to introduce yourselves. We'll be going around the room in a clockwise direction, so be prepared for your turn!" She warned the class.

Mrs. Fukuda pointed at the first students in the first row and asked them to introduce themselves. No introductions stuck out to me, except Kenma's.

My turn to introduce myself was next. I took a deep breath before standing up, "Hi, I'm L/n Y/n! It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" I spoke, then bowed as a form of respect. After I finished, I sat back down and gave Kenma and smile.

The day went by fairly quickly. Kenma, Kuroo, Atsumu, Osamu, and I all sat together at lunch. We talked about what we did in classes and what we'd be doing after school. Of course, the agreement was to play volleyball. 

After all, classes were over, we all rushed to our houses to change into clothes more appropriate for volleyball. I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Mom! I'm going to hang out with my friends!" I informed my mother before rushing out the front door. I held a volleyball under my arm as I sprinted down the sidewalk to the public volleyball court. 

"Hey, guys!" I yelled at my friends, waving my free arm in the air. "Hey, Y/n," Osamu greeted. Osamu smiled and nodded his head, "Hey." 

The three of us volleyed back and forth until Kuroo and Kenma showed up. We split up into two groups. Atsumu and Osamu insisted that they could beat Kuroo, Kenma, and me. We shook hands and did rock, scissors, paper to see who got the first serve. Atsumu had the first serve. He did an underhand serve since none of us were really good at serving. 

Kuroo passed the ball to Kenma, who bumped the ball over the net. It went back and forth like this for a while since none of us knew how to do much other than sets and bumps.

A few people told us good job and to keep up the good work. We thanked them for their kindness and continued the game until we called it quits.

"Hey guys, it's getting late. My parents are probably gonna be upset if I come home too late so we should probably go home now," I suggested.

The boys nodded, approving my suggestion. "Yeah, you're right, Y/n. I'll see you all tomorrow!" Kuroo spoke before dragging Kenma off to their houses. The Miya twins said goodbye and walked to their own houses, in the opposite direction of Kuroo and Kenma's. Lucky, my house wasn't too far from the park. I bolted across the park, my volleyball in my hands.

It took me about 5 minutes to reach my house. I stopped on the front porch to catch my breath before turning the door knob and pushing the door open. "I'm home!" I called out to alert my parents that I was back.

"Dinner will be done soon, Y/n! Go shower and change!" My mother instructed. I happily obeyed and skipped off to my room.

After showering, I sat in my room thinking about how school will play out in the future. Hopefully, I could join the volleyball team next year. Unfortunately, in my school they prohibited first years in junior high from joining sports teams.

Before I knew it, my mom called me for dinner. I stood up from my bed, and ran into the kitchen. "Oh! Shogayaki!" I smiled and say down. "Thank you for the meal, mom!"

I was almost finished when my father cleared his throat and spoke up, "Y/n. Your mother and I have been wanting to talk to you about this for a while," I felt sick. Something bad was about to be said.

"We don't want you to be in volleyball in junior high and highschool." He spoke. His voice was firm. He wasn't joking.

I felt tears pool in my eyes, "You're kidding right?" I inhaled, trying to keep the tears from spilling. "You're not actually gonna keep me from playing volleyball, right?"

My father shook his head, "I'm afraid not. Your grades and physical health are way more important than some sport."

I looked down at my plate, still forcing back my tears. I shoved the rest of my food in my mouth despite my appetite now being gone. I picked my plate up, washed it off, set it in the sink, and slowly walked to my room.

As soon as I shut my door, the tears poured down my face. I threw myself onto my bed, using my pillow to suffocate my sobs.

Volleyball was the only sport I loved. It was the foundation of my friend group. Now it's being taken away from me.

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