
14 0 0

Word count: 1,107


"You're WHAT?!" I slammed my hands on my desk, standing up in the process. I looked at the twins in front of me in complete shock.

"We're moving, Y/n," Osamu looked like he was about to cry as he spoke those words. "Mom and dad found better job opportunities a few prefectures over. We can always visit each other over breaks, tho!" Atsumu assured me.

I gave a weak smile, "Yeah, you're right." I looked down at my desk and slowly sat back down. We'd be starting highschool next year and I wouldn't be at the same school of any of my best friends.

Kuroo and Kenma moved to a different prefecture last year, leaving only Atsumu, Osamu, and I at our junior high. Kuroo and Kenma's parents insisted that they went to Nekoma High. Which I didn't blame them. Nekoma was a good school. It still is a good school.

I put in my application for Shiratorizawa. My grades were good enough to be accepted in that way but I still needed to pass the entrance exam. I knew I'd be able to ace it.

The end of the school year was coming up, meaning Atsumu and Osamu were leaving soon. Their parents at least let them finish out the school year, which was good for me. That way I wouldn't be totally alone. I knew a few kids in my class but I wasn't close with any of them but Atsumu and Osamu. Kuroo and Kenma included but they weren't at my school anymore so they didn't really count.

I frowned, pulling my text book out of my bag and flipping it to the page we left off on. "You can't be leaving me too." I sighed, tears were starting to form in my eyes but I blinked them away.

"It's okay, Y/n. We can exchange numbers and call every day!" Atsumu offered, looking at his brother for approval. Osamu nodded and grabbed a paper from his notebook then scribbled down his number.

The bell rang just in time. Atsumu and Osamu took their seats. Unfortunately, we were on different sides of the classroom. I scanned the number then put it in my bag for safe keeping. Now I had a way to contact them.

The teacher, Mr. Fukuro, cleared his throat, "Through these next few weeks you all are going to be taking exams. Most of you will be taking entrance exams to various highschools, others will be taking final exams."

He continued on for another few minutes about test taking etiquette and how the rooms would be set up. It was all quite boring since we had been over it multiple times before.

Once he had finished, we were split into different groups based on what exam(s) we'd be taking. I was one of about 10 or 12 students taking the exam for Shiratorizawa. Atsumu and Osamu were the only two taking the Inarizaki entrance exam.

I said my goodbyes to my friends and trudged off to the room I'd be isolated in for the rest of the day. A quick lecture was given on what was expected of us. After it was over, the exam was handed out.

I understood most of the questions, but not all. On the ones I didn't understand I made an educated guess. It's what we were always told to do if we were struggling on a test.

After about 3 hours of testing, I finally finished. I turned my paper in and sat back at my desk. I had a few more hours left of school and lunch break was in an hour. I had nothing to do. After lunch, I should go to a different room to work on final exams.

I pulled a notebook out of my bag and began sketching in it. I still wasn't very good at any form of art, but I needed a new hobby. I didn't have volleyball after school anymore, and I never really recovered my relationship with my parents after that.

The bell rang, dismissing us to lunch. I packed up my stuff and rushed to the cafeteria to save our table. Ever since the first year of junior high, we've sat at this table. And now we all would be leaving.

Atsumu and Osamu trotted into the cafeteria soon enough, sitting at the table as well. "How was testing?" I asked them with a slight smile on my face.

"Boring. Really, really boring," Atsumu answered first. Osamu nodded in agreement. We all began eating, talking about every topic under the sun.

"Y'know, Y/n, next year you should be the manager of Shiratorizawa's volleyball team or something. Then you could see us when we wipe the floor with those guys," Atsumu smirked then shoved an onigiri in his mouth and practically inhaled it.

I snorted, "Yeah right. Like my parents would let me." I thought Atsumu was joking but he gave me the 'I'm serious' look.

I sighed and shook my head, "I know how much volleyball means to you guys and you know how much volleyball means to me. Except, I don't think my parents know how much it means to me. They'd never let me have anything to do with a volleyball team, even if I wasn't actually playing. They'd make an excuse about my grades or mental health."

A frown was now present on my face. The last argument I had with my parents involved volleyball. All the arguments did. Even if it was completely unrelated.

"This is why we didn't let you do volleyball!" My dad would scream at me. My mother wouldn't do a thing except back my father up. There's been times where I've been scared I'd get hit and my mother didn't do anything.

Needless to say, my home life stability went down and quickly.

"In college, I'll play though. They can't control me then." I have a devious smirk. Atsumu returned the smirk. "Now you're talking, Y/n."

We all laughed softly then I think the realization finally hit us.

It was our last few weeks with each other.

I felt tears threaten to pool in my eyes. The boys' eyes looked glossy as well. I knew we were all thinking the same thought. We just need to spend more time together. It'll help cover up the time we're going to be losing.

I kept telling myself that it'd be okay, that we wouldn't be split up forever. I knew I was lying in an aspect. I knew it wouldn't be okay. But the sliver of hope I had kept me going.

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