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Word count: 1,478

Throughout the break, I didn't hangout with anyone except family or family friends. I mostly stuck to myself unless I was forced to leave my room.

I wrote to Atsumu and Osamu about once a week or more if I was having a bad week. When I got a letter back, I was shocked. I didn't expect them to respond. I ran up to my room, tearing open the letter.

I was quick to realize that there wasn't just one letter but two. I read them carefully, a smile wide on my face. After I finished reading them both, I grabbed some lined paper and wrote two letters back.

I figured that after I finished writing, I'd draw. I doodled for a while. Before I knew it, I was drawing a full on piece of art. Sketching, line art, shading, fine details.


I bought a small cork board to put above my desk one day. After about a week and a half, it was filled with drawings I was proud of. There we're doodles on assorted colored sticky notes and sketches on 8.5×11 paper.

Every time I drew something that I liked, I'd pin it to the board. The sticky note doodles were often sent to the twins when I sent letters. I got one letter a week from both of them. (Or a bit later if they forgot to send it.)


It seemed like break had gone by too fast because before I knew it, it was the night before the first day of highschool. I was sitting at the table eating, minding my own business.

My parents kept glancing at each other but never really talked. I got fed up with the silence after a while and frowned.

"What's up with you guys? You keep giving each other these looks. You're like- talking telepathically or something. I don't get it," I confronted them.

"Maybe if you came out of your room once in a while and made friends, you'd have someone to talk to telepathically." My father snapped.

I was too stunned to speak. My mouth hung open slightly as I was trying to form words to say back to my father.

"We're tired of it, Y/n! You always stay in your room and you never leave! You hardly say good morning to us or come down to eat for meals. What's your problem?!" My father's voice was oddly stern. Typically, he was nice and laid back. This was a whole new side of him.

"You used to come home and talk to me about what you did at school," My mother continued the conversation. "You used to read with me at night or go on tangents about volleyball or something else you're obsessed with. Now you won't even look me in the eye! I don't know where my Y/n went!"

My look of shock quickly turned into a scowl. "I'll never be that me again." I spat before storming off to my room.

"Y/n L/n!" My father shouted at me. I heard the sound of the kitchen chairs' legs scrape against the hardwood.

I slammed my door shut, locking it in the process. I heard my father stomping towards my room. I rushed to grab a few hundred yen from my allowance box, a pair of shoes I kept in my closet, and climbed out my window onto the roof below.

I pulled the window shut and slid down the roof. My room was on the second story but there was an L shape to my house, having my room extend out from the side of my house.

I used poles to support myself in climbing down the side of my house. As soon as I stabled myself on the ground, I bolted down the sidewalk. The last thing I wanted was for my father to catch up with me.

After I was a good distance away from my house, I began to slow my pace. I knew for a matter of fact that my parents wouldn't be able to catch up with me, on foot at least.

I walked for a good distance, keeping my head down. Once I'd finally caught my breath, I began sprinting again. Before I knew it, I collided with a firm object. I stumbled back, muttering swears under my breath.

At first, I thought the object I collided with was a tree or a lamp post but when I had looked up, I saw something completely different. A taller man stood in front of me. His hair was a bright red.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I jumped at the sudden question and quickly nodded. My face was hot with embarrassment.

"It's the night before school, why are you out and about?" The man asked me, obviously knowing I was a highschooler.

"To uh.. clear my mind," I decided to spare him the trouble of hearing the real reason as to why I was outside.

The man nodded then spoke, "Well I'm Tendou Satori." He gave a gentle smile.

"Y/n L/n." I held my hand out to shake his. He caught on, took my hand and shook it.

"Weird request since we just me and all but do you wanna walk with me?" I asked, hoping it wasn't too weird. I was kinda desperate for a cover in case my parents drove by.

Luckily, Tendou agreed. I mentally sighed in relief. "Thanks, Tendou." I gave a warm smile.

"Which way?" He asked, I pointed towards the way he came from and he nodded. We walked in silence for a bit before Tendou spoke up.

"So what school do you go to?" He asked. I was quick to answer, not really caring if he was a creep at the time.

"I start at Shiratorizawa Academy tomorrow," I said with a slight frown. I wasn't actually ready for highschool. Especially without having my best friends.

"No way! I attend Shiratorizawa!" Tendou looked, and sounded, shocked. I looked up towards Tendou, "Actually?" I was just, if not more, as shocked at him. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.

"So you're a first year then?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or well- will be tomorrow."

I nodded in response, "Yeah, I'll be a first year starting tomorrow. What year are you in?" I asked Tendou, hoping to continue the conversation.

"I'll be in my second year tomorrow. We've got a powerhouse volleyball team as well. Dunno if you heard," Tendou smirked. It seemed like he enjoyed bragging about his school.

"Man, I wish I could play volleyball!" I groaned. If it weren't for my parents' decision, I would be playing volleyball starting tomorrow.

"What? Why can't you?" He asked, his tone suddenly changing. "My parents don't want me playing." I told him, hoping he'd leave it at that.

"I'm sorry," Tendou could probably sense my uncomfortableness and decided to drop the topic. He grabbed my arm gently and dragged me over to the volleyball court. "If your parents won't let you play, then we can play together right now. Maybe you can be the new manager for Shiratorizawa!" He offered with a wide smile. 

Tendou made his way over to a chest by the pole holding the net. I could tell the chest was a new addition to the court because I used to come here every day after school. I knew the park like the back of my hand. "Let's see what you got," Tendou gave a cocky smirk, spinning the volleyball in his hand before gently hitting it over the net towards me. 

I knew it'd be difficult to play volleyball one against one, but it was nice to be on this court again. I bumped it back over the net, not knowing what else to do. Unfortunately, the ball wasn't quite high enough and Tendou was able to block it. I frowned while I watched the ball drop. If I was playing with the twins or my other friends, I'd go after it. I didn't feel like getting sand in my shirt today, though. 

I picked the ball up off the sand and tossed it over the net back at Tendou. We played a few rallies (which all resulted in me losing) before calling it a night. I put the ball back and jogged after Tendou who had already started walking. "Want me to walk you home?" He offered. I hesitated before speaking, "No, it's okay."

I felt bad for declining his offer but then again, I hardly knew him and didn't want to risk him being in the mafia or some crazy thing like that. We bid our goodbyes before heading off in separate directions. I watched the stars on my way back home. I felt a gently smile creeping on my face. Maybe this school year won't be so bad. 

A/n: oh my- I haven't updated in a few days. I'm terribly sorry. I haven't had much motivation to write; let alone talk to people. Now that I have my computer back, I'll be updating an awful lot more :)

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