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Word count: 1,099

The end of the movie was sad. Very sad. Atsumu had teared up while Osamu and I were laughing at him. On our walk home, we made fun of how bad the storyline was. Atsumu had cheered up and was laughing along with Osamu and I in no time.

Unfortunately, we came to the point where we had to split up. We stood staring at each other for a while, obviously not wanting to go to our homes. Osamu hung his head. I glanced down at the pavement where there were darkened had appeared.

"Osamu.. Are you crying?" I asked, feeling as if a knife went through my chest. Osamu had always kept a neutral mood unless he was really enjoying himself.

Osamu hadn't responded so I threw myself onto him, engulfing him in a hug. I felt him hesitantly hug back, Atsumu joining the hug when he felt it was right.

"We won't be separated forever guys, you know this," I tried to comfort my friends. "I'm sure after you guys get settled in and our first break arrives, we'll get to hangout. I guarantee it."

I gave them a warm smile, yet I could tell that they could see through my act. I had a feeling we wouldn't see each other anymore. That we'd slowly start to fall out. That's the thing with friends. If you don't have direct contact or a way to see them in person every now and then, your vision of them becomes altered.

We finally released each other, said our goodbyes, and went off to our houses. I unenthusiastically greeted my mom before sulking off to my room. I didn't bother turning on my lights and just flopped onto my bed.

I buried my face in my pillow and let the tears flow. I sobbed silently, making sure not to be foo loud so my parents could hear me. I wanted my sister so badly. She always would make me feel better.

I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up sometime in the middle of the night. I sat up, looking around my room. It was very dark. Probably because my door and blinds were shut.

I stood up and trudged over to my window, opening my blinds and letting the moonlight flood my room. Stars littered the night sky. It was almost like a black canvas with glitter sprinkled over it and a glob of white paint near the corner.

I got a great idea and dragged my easel from the other side of my room to the window. I grabbed the chair at my desk and my box of paints then sat down and began to work.

I hadn't bothered checking the time when I woke up. It was late, that's all I knew. I could've been painting for hours or just 30 minutes before the sun had started to rise.

Luckily, I was almost done with the painting. I gave the sky in my painting a few final touches before standing up and looking at it. I smiled at my work then grabbed a white paint pen I kept at my desk.

I put my signature in the corner of the painting. I put most of my stuff back then hopped back into bed to sleep for a few more hours.

My mother knocked on my door around 8am telling me the twins were downstairs waiting. I rolled out of bed, looking at the painting and smiling. I knew the purpose of the painting now.

I changed into some more comfortable clothes, grabbed the painting and made my way down to the living room. I saw the twins and gave a bright smile.

"Here," I held the painting out to them. They looked shocked. Osamu took the painting and examined it. I fidgeted slightly, worrying that they wouldn't like it.

"Oh my goodness, Y/n..." Atsumu gasped. "You're so talented." Osamu nodded in agreement. My face felt a bit warm. "Thanks you guys."

We sat and talked in the living room, my mom eventually brought us all water and some grapes. I gave them the house number and my email, they gave me their new address in exchange.

After an hour and a half of talking, their parents came to tell them it was time to leave. We bid our goodbyes, making sure to promise to write or call once a week.

I watched them drive off, tears pooling in my eyes. I ran out the door and to the sidewalk, waving at their car as it sped off. I saw someone wave back but I couldn't tell who it was.

The rest of the day was slow and boring. I stayed in my room most of the day, not bothering to leave unless I needed to. My parents didn't try to force me out of my room.

Most of my time was spent writing in a journal I forgot I had. I wrote about events I remembered with Atsumu and Osamu and how much they meant to me. I wrote about my experience with volleyball even though I wasn't on an official team, and probably would never be.

Around 5 o'clock, I reached the last page. My eyes filled with tears and I began to write about how my parents had effected me that day.


I snuck out in the middle of the night again to go grab a new journal. Or three. The shopping district seemed abandoned but there was one store that I knew was open.

I walked in the store, smiling at the cashier. I made my way to the paper section, grabbing a few journals then took them up to the counter.

I paid for them and started making my way back home. I acknowledged the sky and it's natural beauty. I snuck back into my house and up to my room to resume writing again.

I wrote fictional short stories about my future. I wrote about the dream I had about the volleyball game. I wrote anything and everything that came to my mind.

I finished a few stories around 3 in the morning before starting to doodle. I filled a few more pages with doodles then climbed into bed and fell asleep.

I had never had problems with sleeping before. Why was I always falling asleep too early and waking up in the middle of the night or staying up past 12?

I didn't know what was wrong with me and I didn't wanna tell my parents. They'd be upset. Very upset. Maybe I'd ask Kenma about it in the morning...

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