Too cliche

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"Marvelous— just outstanding!!" Giolla said with utter excitement.

"Give us a little twirl!—"

"No Giolla, we need to go now!"

Baby five came closer to me, binding my wrists in her hands, "Let's go (Y/n), we must hurry for your wedding. This is a very special occasion for you and master. We've never seen him this happy with a women— we're very excited for the both of you!"

As we rushed, climbing stares and turning corners, we met up with a door which seemed to be the entrance of the floor outside.

Baby five let go of me, now staring deep into my eyes with joyful tears, "Once this short wedding ends then we can all have a nice feast! We'll let you and master have a nice room together, and when you both wake up in the morning, maybe you guys can go on dates and actually spend time together! Wouldn't that be amazing?"

I stopped my thoughts for only a moment.

Time with Doffy...?

I'm not completely sure what happened but a sudden rush of fake memories flowed into my mind.

I could see him and I holding hands while walking down a dirt road, watching the sunset in front of us.
I could see him stare into my eyes while trying to adjust his height for my sake.
I could see him wrapping his arms around me with a smile on his face while I read allowed a book.

I saw things that seemed impossible between the two of us. After everything that has happened, I can't go back on what I truly wanted. I have to stick through and move on. I have to kill him.

Not noticing at first, a tear ran down my cheek, which sent a rush of shivers throughout my body.

"Yah... that would be nice actually..." My eyes met hers, meeting a sobbing mess.

"Ah! I apologize! *sniff* Now go before I break down completely— I'm just so happy, GaH!" She said these words with dramatic movement, which kind of lightened up my mood.

"I'll see you soon then, baby five," I spoke with a smile on my face.

I lied, well, of course I lied. There's no way that we'll ever meet again after this big fight between Doffy and I.

Kill or be killed; that's the situation right now.

Seeing her run off, stumbling a bit from her sobbing, I turn to the door from behind me, glaring at it with mixed emotions.

"It's now or never..."

Touching the doors with the tips of my fingers, my palms now meeting the surface, I pushed.

My eyes squinted at the sight of the sun illuminating from the sky.

The sun wasn't as bright as I thought, so my eyes adjusted quickly.

The man who I've longed to kill was standing across from me, waiting in his black tuxedo and pink feathered coat.

I noticed that he continued to wear his crimson shades which concealed his beautiful light blue eye.

"Well, if it isn't my soon to be wife, you look beautiful sweetheart," his brows relaxed but his lips kept its usual smile.

I walked closer to him, which led me to look up at him.

I could hear a tranquil sigh from above me.

"You're too tall, maybe we shouldn't get married."

His knees immediately bent, almost dropping to the floor.

"That was fast—"

Before I could say any more, the man took out two rings, "This one is yours to give me and this one is mine to give to you..."

He handed me the ring that I was supposed to propose with later.

"Let's get started right away and jump to the most important part, now I will start," he lifted his fist up to his lips and cleared his throat, "Do you, (Y/n), take me as your wedded husband for as long as we both live?"

My heart raced at these words, so my mood gave an appropriate response, "I do."

"What about you Doffy? Do you accept me as your wedded wife for till we die?" The way my words slurred with lust made Doflamingo come closer to my face with some sort of desire.

"I do..."

The man gently grabbed the sides of my arms and slowly went for a kiss.

Hearing something from the right side of me, Doflamingo misses and hits his lips against my cheek instead.

Two humanoid figures came flying down to our floor level.

My position changed, now close to Ace's side. This was probably Law's doing.

"How're you doing? He didn't hurt you, right?" His worry set ease to my sudden fear, "He didn't hurt me, not yet anyway, Hehe" my little giggle sounded with unpleasant hints of fear.

Ace placed his hand on my shoulder, now looking at me with serious and comforting eyes, "you're safe now. We're here to save you."

A smile formed on my face; I felt safe.


Turning towards Doflamingo's direction, I could hear him continue to laugh, progressively getting louder and more aggressive.

"So, you really were going to betray me, hm? I guess this is your end (Y/n). I actually thought that I could trust you— I mean at least by just a little bit. I went to the extent of showing you, my eyes. I felt something... a new feeling; I fell in love."

Whether he was lying or not, I put my feelings and past behind me.

Ace let go of me, getting in position to fight now.

You're safe now. We're here to save you.

My eyes intensely closed shut for a few seconds, processing the words that came out of my savior's mouth.

I trust you. The both of you.

Opening my eyes slowly, I got into a position, ready to fight.

All we could hear was Doflamingo's laugh resonate from across us.

He suddenly stopped, now staring at me.

I couldn't see his eyes, but I could feel daggers penetrate through my stomach from his intense aura.

His mouth opened, assuming that he was finally ready to speak, "(Y/n) ... I planned it all..."

I stayed confused after moments of silence.

"Excuse me...?"

Panic rose from a thought in the back of my mind.

Did he plan... did he... no that's too cliche Haha...

A twisted smile quickly formed on his face.

"I planned everything, since the very beginning."

Broken hearts (Doflamingo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now