Chapter - 1 - Before the Trip.

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Your husband is a member of your country's national soccer team and has been invited to participate in the World Cup tournament in Qatar this year.

It's 7 pm on Thursday, and you're packing and getting everything organized for the trip. He was desperately looking through the house for his passport because he forgot where he put it.

"Hunny, have you seen my passport? I can't find it and we leave tomorrow." He asked a little worried about the fact that he needed his passport to be able to participate in the tournament.

"Did you check in the car?"

"Yes. I looked everywhere." He sighs scratching his head.

"I'll go double-check real quick. I'll be right back."

After looking around the car you find nothing. You sigh and decide to look underneath the car and there's nothing.

You head back inside to find your husband and you see him sitting on the sofa talking on the phone.

"Hunny there's nothing in the car. I checked everywhere." You sigh.

"I found it Hunny. I didn't realize there was a hole in my backpack and it fell off while I was at the gym this morning. They just called me to tell me that they have my passport. I'm gonna head over there now."

"I'll have dinner ready when you get back. And I'll make sure everything is packed for the trip."

"Ok, babe I should be back quick."

Your husband got the car keys and walked out the front door as you headed to the kitchen to make dinner.

You decide to make spaghetti and meatballs so you grab a pot from the cabinet and fill it halfway with water and set it on the stove at a high temperature. You sprinkle some salt and put the noodles in. You gather all the ingredients for the meatballs and as you're cooking, you get a phone call from your mom.

Y/n: Hi mom.

Mom: Hi sweetie I just wanted to check in with you to make sure you have everything ready for your trip tomorrow.

Y/n: I'm cooking dinner right now. I'll finish packing after dinner.

Mom: Where's your husband?

Y/n: He left his passport at the gym so he went to get it. He should be back soon.

Mom: What time do you guys leave?

Y/n: We have to be at the airport at 7 am. The flight leaves at 9 am.

Mom: Ok sweetie let me know if you need anything. Text me when you get to the airport. Love you!

Y/n: Alright mom. Love you too!

Your husband walks into the kitchen and takes a seat at the dinner table as the call ends. You finish cooking dinner and begin to set up the table.

"Did you get it?" You ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I got it, babe. Mmm, it smells so good! What's for dinner?"

"I made spaghetti. Let's eat quickly we have to get everything ready and go to bed. We leave at six in the morning."

You serve two plates of spaghetti and meatballs and two cups of iced cold water as you proceed to sit down to eat your meal.

"The coach just called to remind me what time they're picking us up in the morning." He takes a bite of spaghetti and continues with the conversation.

"Mmm, you make the best spaghetti babe. This shit is the bomb!"

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