Chapter - 2 - At the mall.

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You finally arrive at the mall, pay the driver, and thank him for the ride. As you're walking towards the mall you notice a lot of guys staring at you and trying to flirt with you but you brush it off and ignore everyone around you as you enter the mall. You walk around the mall looking everywhere and decide to enter a boutique that sells very expensive designer clothes. You start looking through the different areas of the store for an outfit to buy. You were so focused on the clothes that you didn't notice the commotion that was happening at the entrance of the store.

As you walk towards the mall, you notice a lot of guys staring at you and trying to flirt with you, but you brush it off and ignore everyone around you as you enter the mall. You walk around the mall, looking everywhere, and decide to enter a boutique that sells very expensive designer clothes. You start looking through the different areas of the store for an outfit to buy, so focused on the clothes that you didn't notice the commotion happening at the entrance of the store.

The moment you turn around and see what is going on, you freeze and gasp, covering your mouth. Jungkook entered the store with what appeared to be members of his staff, surrounded by bodyguards, and there were some fans gathered at the entrance taking pictures with him.

"Okay, y/n he's here! I wasn't expecting to see him at all! Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out. Jungkook is here! Oh my gosh, okay, breathe and calm down, y/n. Act normally and pretend you have no idea who he is and flirt as if your life depends on it," you said to yourself as you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down and not make it obvious how nervous you were. Your heart was about to burst out of your chest. You look in the opposite direction, facing away from him, trying to compose yourself as you put your plan into action. You turn around and see him staring at you. You bite your lower lip and smile shyly as you walk around the store. His bodyguards are all looking at you and whispering something to Jungkook.

You start walking towards him with a slow and sensual gait, and he looks at you again and winks. "Excuse me," you say as you lock eyes with him one more time and exit the store without talking to him. You walk slowly without looking back, and suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and see one of Jungkook's bodyguards standing right behind you.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"Hello, Miss. Sorry to bother you. I have a message to deliver to you. I was told to give you this." He hands you a small piece of paper and bows before he walks back to Jungkook.

You keep walking until you lose sight of him, then sit for a moment to try and calm your nerves.

"Oh my goodness! My plan worked. Let's see what this note says." You open the note and see a message that says, "Hello, Miss. I noticed you at the store and you caught my attention. You are gorgeous. I could not believe my eyes at how attractive you are. I would like to meet you privately if that is all right with you. I am Jungkook from BTS. This is my phone number. Please text me as soon as possible and let me know if we can meet."

"Holy shit! Jungkook wants to meet me in private. Is this a dream? Is this real? Oh my goodness, let me get out of here and text him." You exit the mall and sit on a bench outside for a moment as you pull out your phone and send Jungkook a text.

Y/n: Hello Jungkook. I am the woman from the store. I received your message.

Jungkook: Hello, gorgeous! Thank you for texting me back. What's your name?

Y/n: My name is Y/N. It's such an honor to meet you Jungkook.

Jungkook: The pleasure is mine. You are the most attractive woman I have seen around here and you have caught my attention. Do you think we could meet somewhere private? Perhaps we could meet at my hotel. I will let you know where I am staying and I will let my staff know that you are coming if that's alright with you.

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