Chapter - 24 - Hanging out

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You rush up the stairs to get your phone, and the moment you get into your room, you lay down in bed, thinking about what you just did. "Holy Shit, what just happened?! That felt so good. But it's so wrong. I couldn't control myself. Maybe if I get Jungkook to fuck Namjoon and also want to be with him in some way, it will be easier for me to be with both of them at the same time. I heard he has a crush on him. And so do I. Or perhaps I should continue to keep it a secret. It's hot as fuck doing it secretly. He's so fucking hot. It drives me crazy. I should hurry up and go back and join them." You sigh as a wave of guilt washes over you, but you brush it off and get out of bed, grab your phone, and head downstairs to get the two glasses of champagne that Jungkook had requested.

You were still sore from your secret encounter with Namjoon, and when you returned outside, he was sitting at the table with the others. Jungkook was drinking champagne straight from the bottle, and it appeared that they were passing a blunt around. Namjoon sat next to Jungkook, while Taehyung and Jimin sat across from him. You come up behind Jungkook and hand him the champagne glasses he asked for. "Here you go, baby. Sorry for the delay; I went upstairs to get my phone and use the restroom." You set your phone down on the table and take a seat beside Jungkook.

"It's fine, babe. I figured. Here have a smoke while I serve the champagne." He gives you the blunt, which you take a few puffs before giving it to Jimin.

"Here Noona have some beer." Taehyung hands you a can of beer. "Thanks, Tae." You crack it open and chug nearly half of it before serving yourself two slices of pizza.

"Let's make a toast." Jungkook hands you a glass half-full of champagne and passes one to each of the others. As Jungkook makes a toast, everyone raises their glasses. "For the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. For life. For love! For Y/N!" Everyone clings to their glasses and chugs champagne in your honor. "CHEERS!"

They begin discussing their future plans while eating pizza and passing around the blunt. You were full after about three slices of pizza. Everyone else seemed to be feeling tipsy as well as you. They began making dirty jokes and laughing hysterically, and you joined in the fun. They were making you laugh so hard that your stomach hurt a little. They had finished the entire case of beer they had brought, and they were now drinking champagne and taking soju shots. You spent about an hour hanging out with everyone and having a good time before all the pizza was gone and everyone was drunk, high, and horny out of their minds.

"Holy shit bro, I'm about to go into a food coma." That pizza was delicious. Let us clean up and figure out what we're going to do next." Namjoon stood up and grabbed the empty pizza boxes, tossing them into the trash can by the pool.

"Let's turn this shit up! And I give you guys permission to do whatever the fuck you want with y/n tonight. The same goes for you, babe. "There are no fucking rules," Jungkook let
everyone know that they could have their way with you and do whatever they wanted for the rest of the night.

"Let's get this table cleaned up. "I'd like to see something." Jimin began cleaning the table with Taehyung and Namjoon's assistance, leaving only a bottle of champagne on it.

"Clothes off, Jimin, come on, let's go!" Namjoon winks at Jimin as they stood up, took their pants and underwear off, tossed them to a chair, and sat back down.

"Nice fucking cocks. So big. Fuck!" You giggled.

"Do you think you can handle it?" "All of us?" Jungkook said while biting his lower lip and looking at you.

"Try me." You tug on his lower lip and lightly slap him on the cheek, and he immediately starts making out with you aggressively.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hold the fuck up holy shit!" Taehyung laughs at the sudden kiss between you and Jungkook.

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