Chapter - 3 - Private Meeting.

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As you walk towards the exit, you decide to go back to the designer clothes store to buy a jacket or something to cover up, since you were wearing a very short and revealing outfit. You got what you wanted; your mission is complete. You managed to bump into Jungkook and get his attention, so you no longer have to walk around leaving very little to the imagination and having everyone stare at you.

You look around the store, choose a pink designer fur jacket, pay for it, put it on, and make your way toward the exit. You exit the building, spot a taxi, and wave. The taxi picks you up and you tell the driver the address of Jungkook's hotel as they take off. You suddenly get a text and glance at your phone; it's from Jungkook.

Jungkook: I'm in my room noona.

Y/n: I'm on my way Kookie. I should be there in about 10 minutes or so.

Jungkook: Ok. I will inform my staff that you're coming so you can get to my room.

Y/n: Okay Kookie see you soon.

You put your phone away and, five minutes later, you arrive at Jungkook's hotel. You pay the driver and thank him as you exit the taxi and make your way in. As soon as you walk through the lobby, you spot a familiar face. One of the bodyguards that were at the store with Jungkook was waiting for you by the elevator. You walk to the elevator as the bodyguard greets you.

"Hello, miss y/n follow me." He said as he bows respectfully holding the elevator door open for you. You smile and bow back.

"Thank you," you said as he pushed the button for Jungkook's floor.

The elevator stops at Jungkook's floor and he holds the door open for you and escorts you to his room. He bows respectfully and you thank him again before he departs.

You knock twice on the door and Jungkook opens it. You stare at him without saying a word as he takes your hand and pulls you into the room.

"My goodness, y/n you're so beautiful. We finally get to meet. Jungkook looks at you, biting his lower lip."

"I don't know what to say, Jungkook. I can't believe my eyes at how gorgeous you are in person." You put your purse on the table.

"I love that jacket. You weren't wearing that a moment ago?" Jungkook wondered.

"I thought I should cover up for you since you asked me to because everyone was looking at your woman as you said." You giggled.

"I tend to get jealous easily, and I protect what I want. Let me take a closer look." Jungkook removed your jacket, tossing it on the chair. His eyes widened as he licked his lips and growled at the sight of you.

"Mmm, wow. You're hot as fuck. Is all this for me? Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close.

"Mhm, all for you." You gaze deeply into his eyes as he slowly closes the distance between the two of you, giving you a soft kiss below your chin.

"I want to take my time with you and make you mine, but before we do anything else, I need you to sign this document for me." Jungkook gives you a non-disclosure agreement and a pen for you to sign.

"Of course, I know exactly what that is. No need to explain, Kookie." You grab the pen and sign the NDA, giving it back to him. He put it in a drawer and walked over to dim the lights.

"I know you're way older than me, noona, and I love it. I love noonas. You're all I ever wanted in a woman." Jungkook removed his white t-shirt, tossing it to the side.

"Come sit over here," Jungkook taps the mattress.

You sit on the edge of the bed as he helps you remove your shirt first, and the moment he sees your belly piercing, he groans at the sight.

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