THREE- Not Ready For The Meeting

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The weekend passed by in a blur and it's Monday already. It's 9am and I'm sitting in my office working on a new design when Anna comes in. "Ms. Wallace, um we got a meeting with Mr. Campbell." She looked worried. "It's uh today at 4pm."

"Wha- Today?! But we aren't fully prepared yet and oh my god how am I gonna manage", I started panicking.

"They only had a slot available today and it was really hard to get them to agree in the first place. If I didn't accept today's timings, well I don't think we would've gotten another chance." She replied.

"Okay. We just have to get to work then." I instantly got into work mode as she started heading out. "Anna?!" She looked back, "Coffee?!" I half-yelled half cried and she instantly remembered how inportant that is for me in situations like this.

"Right! Sorry, I'll be right back!" She rushed out. Okay I can do this. I've been trying to get a meeting for months and this is my only shot. I got this. I hope so.


Okay. I'm ready, I can do this. I tell that to myself as I stand in the elevator that's going to take me to the conference room. I'm at Campbell corporations and my stomach is in knots with worry. I really need this to go well. And the intimidating interior and size of this place isn't helping either. The elevator pings and I see that I'm not on my floor yet. A handsome man in an expensive looking suit walks in and gives me a dashing smile. I smile back and ask him, "Which floor?"

He replies, "6th." I nod and hit the button. "What about you? I haven't seen you around here before, new?" He asks.

"Uh actually I have a meeting with Mr. Campbell today, I'm Carla Wallace."

"Oh hey, Jake Garcia." He says extending his hand out for me to shake. "I'm going to the conference room too, I'll be in the meeting with you. I'm the head fashion designer here and if things go well today, we'll be meeting again." He sheepishly grinned at me.

"Well I hope so Mr. Garcia." I laugh as I shake his hand. Just then, the elevator pings, signalling we've arrived. Jake seems friendly enough and knowing he'll be there helps calm me a bit. I think I can do this. It's 3:57pm when I reach the conference room with Jake and we take our seats.

"I read an article about your fashion show last week and saw a few pictures. It looked like a massive success. Congratulations Ms. Wallace." Jake starts.

"Thank you, I believe it was a success. And please, call me Carla." I reply with a smile.

"Okay Carla. Call me Jake. I do hope we'll be seeing each other again." He winks at me and I smile shyly.

Just then, Mr. Campbell walks in with a stoic expression, with his assistant behind him.

"Ms. Wallace, Mr. Garcia." He nods at us. "I see you''ve gotten friendly enough already so let's just get to this." He said sounding a bit...irritated? He took his seat and motioned for me to go on. Fuck, if I wasn't nervous before, then I sure as hell am now. What the hell is up with the attitude? I take out the folder I was carrying with me and put some of my designs on the table for Jake and Mr. Campbell to see.

"Well, Mr. Campbell, you saw some of my designs last week live so you're aware with my type of work. These are a few samples I've designed before and here..." I say handing him a new folder, "are the ones I haven't officially shown anyone yet."


The meeting went successful and we signed a contract. We are going to be collaborating on a summer project together and if things go well, maybe we'll work together again. This is so exciting. Exactly what my company needed right now.

I'm packing my things when Mr. Campbell walks up to me. "Today went well. Please get in touch with my assistant and we'll meet again sometime next week to hash out the details." He said, looking as handsome as ever.

"Yes, Mr. Campbell, I'll start working on a few designs and will get in touch with Mr. Garcia to discuss them before we present them to you." I continue packing.

He nods, "Please, call me Damien. We're in business together now." He smiled.

"Alright Damien, and please call me Carla." I say with a hint of friendliness in my tone and he lightly chuckled, "Okay, Carla. I'll be seeing you soon." The way my name rolled off of his tongue sent shivers down my spine. I'd let this man do me!


I get home early today because I'm exhausted and Anna said she could manage. After reading a little, I take a shower and get to bed. A few minutes in, my eyes snap open because I just got the mental picture of Damien in a suit. The way he smiled at me, he's so gorgeous. But wait, no. I shouldn't be thinking this, what the hell... I just wanted to sleep why did my brain think about him? I can't do anything unprofessional. Besides, I need to focus on work, right? Right. With that thought, I close my eyes again and try to sleep but I can't push the picture away from my mind. Fucking hell.


Hi guys, new update yayy. What do we think of Jake. Maybe he'll become friends with Carla? Anyway, please like, vote, and comment!! Thank you <3

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