SIX- Surprises

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Three months later..

It was an unforgiving, cold December night when I walked into Russo's, a bar not so far away from my apartment, to watch my old friend Logan and his band perform. Logan and I go way back. We were super close in high school and shared a bond that no one could break. His girlfriend, Sienna was also one of my closest friends. With them, high school was the most fun part of my life.

Logan would have band practice with two of his buddies everyday after school and I would come and watch them perform. They were extremely talented back then and after all these years of practice, I'm sure today would be mind-blowing.

Sienna got pregnant just as school ended and both of them had to put their passion on hold and get jobs to make it work. Sienna had always been a great artist and I always admired her work.

But you know how in the world of art, passion is at its peak and the pay is at it its lowest for new artists. It's sad but it's just the way it is. So they both got jobs they hated to earn enough to take care of their baby girl and I had to move to New York from California after my parents died. The distance made us drift away from each other for quite some time so today, I am so excited to meet them and their 3 year old daughter, Aly.

I walk in and see that it's 9pm. Right on time! I walk up to the stage and see Logan engrossed in conversation with someone.

"There's my long-haired best friend. Could you possibly grow any taller?" I say and watch him turn around, the biggest smile spreading across his face.

"Well if it isn't our very own fashion designer and CEO!" He replied dramatically. I run into his arms laughing, happiness evident on my face. He engulfs me in a bone-crushing hug and sighs, "I missed you Carla. We all did."

I pull back with a sad face, "And I missed you guys too. So much!" I say, meaning every word.

"The show starts in a minute and I have to take my place. You'll find Sienna and an angry baby in the crowd somewhere. We must catch up after the show." Logan says while running up to the stage.

"Break a leg!" I yell and walk back, looking for Sienna. The lights get dim and soft guitar starts playing in the background. I try looking for Sienna but fail to see her anywhere so I take a seat and watch Logan as he suddenly takes the tune to a rock n roll theme. I'm so proud of how far he's come, performing here in New York even after all the unexpected hardships life threw at him.

As I sit there and enjoy the performance with a drink in my hand that I don't bother drinking, someone taps my shoulder. I look around to see Sienna with Aly in her arms and I rush to hug them.

We sit together and watch the show, laughing and talking in between. Aly also warms up to me very quickly and I have the best time hugging her.


"You guys were amazing! I loved every single track and the vibe was just perfect. I forgot everything else!" I tell Logan and Sienna agrees.

"Aly loves every track as well. She has the cool daddy and she knows it, doesn't she?" Sienna asks Aly in a baby voice and Aly giggles. I'm so happy to see their happy family.

"Well Sienna and I have to go celebrate with the band. This was our first New York success and that calls for drinks! But Carla, we must meet and catch up. We're here for a whole week, surely Miss Busy can give us one day, right?" Logan mocks, laughing.

"Yeah yeah, I can give you one day." I laugh and continue, "No one deserves success like you guys do. I'm so proud of you Logan. And you Sienna. I can't believe you guys are working and following your dreams while also taking care of your baby. I love you guys!" I say, tearing up a little.

They both engulf me in a group hug and Aly giggles. We bid goodbye and they leave with their group of friends.

The cold seems like heaven right now. I've been stuck with taking a cab to work for the past few days because my car is at the mechanic's workshop. But seeing the weather, I decide against calling a cab and start walking home, enjoying the cold air hitting my face.

It's 12am and this is a bit unsafe because the street I have to take is quiet and dark but I don't have the energy to wait for a cab. As I walk, I'm lost in thought. I have a million things to do in the coming week, finding a day to spend with Logan and Sienna is going to be hard task.

As I turn the corner, I notice the street is extra quiet today, it's almost like an eerie silence which makes me uncomfortable. I walk faster, holding my coat closer to me, trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

That's when I hear a scream from my left. "No please! Just give me some time, I'll pay you, I swear!" I hide behind the dumpster and poke my head out to see a man on his knees being held by someone else. Another man is pointing a gun at the person on his knees and he seems pissed as hell.

"Shut the fuck up Gonzalo. We've given you a month past your deadline. All you're doing is making false promises. Can you hand us the money right now?" The guy with a gun yells at him.

"No I can't- I don't have them but I will- I will soon, I swear, please just give me two more days!" The guy on the floor pleads. Fuck he's gonna shoot him, I can't just let him die. How the fuck did I end up here?

"Enough! You've had your time. Tony, kill him." No- it can't be... Was that... Damien's voice? I notice a figure behind this Tony guy but I can't see his face but oh my god that was Damien's voice. Wait- Damien's killing someone?! I'm so deep in thought when the gun goes off and a bullet lands right between the guy's eyes and he falls lifeless on the floor.

The pure horror of the scene that just unfolded in front of me made me gasp out loud. I don't notice that I made my presence known until all three heads snap towards my direction. Damien's eyes catch mine and he glares at me. "Fuck. A witness." Tony says walking in my direction and I do the only thing I can think of. I run. As fast as my feet allow, I run, thanking the stars I wasn't wearing heels.

My heart is beating so fast at this point and all I can feel is fear. Pure and genuine fear. These guys might actually kill me...right now. Damien. might kill me right now. Fucking hell, how did this happen?

I hear footsteps getting closer to me but I don't dare to look back, instead I keep running. At this point, it's hard as hell to breathe and it feels like my heart will explode, but I can't. stop. running.

Suddenly, two big arms wrap around my body harshly and I scream out loud but my voice is muffled by the person behind me. "Got ya!" Tony mocks. I start thrashing around, my panic higher than ever before. Tony brings me back to the crime scene and the guy's body is still there, blood oozing out. I resist the urge to gag and look up. That's when my eyes meet Damien's cold, hard stare.

"What the fuck were you doing here, Wallace?" Damien asks me in a dangerous, low voice.

"Let me go, you fucking murderer." I scream and thrash around in Tony's arms.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Wallace. You were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time. What a shame." Damien takes a menacing step forwards and I panic more.

"I can just put a bullet in her pretty head, boss and we can head home." The other guy calmly suggests. Damien clenches his jaw and points at Tony, who's behind me, holding me. I don't know what that sign meant but the next thing I know, I have a cloth covering my mouth and nose, and despite fighting my hardest to resist it, I give into darkness. The last thing I felt before passing out was raw fear.

Shit! What the fuck am I gonna do now?


Hi guysss. So that took a dark turn! Do you guys like the story so far? I have so many more twists planned for this story. I'll be updating everyday, so keep reading!!

And please, if you like the story, don't forget to like, comment, vote and share!! Good nightt <3

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