SEVEN- Kidnapped

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I think I'm dreaming. Why does my head hurt so much? Fuck, is someone beating my head constantly? Throbbing pain in my head is all I can feel. No, I can also feel how dry my throat is. God, I need water. What the hell happened?

Trying my hardest to open my eyes, I manage to barely squint them and I'm instantly greeted by bright light, going straight to head. Groaning, I mentally prepare myself to fully open my eyes. And when I do, I wish I hadn't done so because I'm in a room I've never seen before. And a bed, what the hell? I'm in a bed, a rather comfortable one but wait no, why am I here- oh fuck!

Damien. Instantly sitting up, I take in my unfamiliar surroundings. I rush to the door, only to find it locked. There's another door, I'm assuming it's the bathroom. It must have a window or something. Running inside, I see a gorgeous bathroom with a light colored theme and a massive bath. On a normal day, I might stop to appreciate this room and bathroom but right now, I just need to get the hell out of here.

So there is a window, but it's way too high and there is nothing I can climb to reach it. And there is no space for a person to pass through.

What do I do?

Running back out, I start pounding my fists on the door with all my strength. At this point, my head feels like it might break apart and my already parched throat is tired as hell from screaming more.

Nothing happens. No one comes. I let out a frustrated sob, still not believing my situation. How did I end up here?

Damien. That son of a bitch, Damien. Who knew beneath the mask of a gentleman's charm, a monster was hiding. Fuck, I actually had a crush on this asshole. He murdered that person, in front of my eyes and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't help him. And now I'm stuck here. Why am I here? Why didn't he just kill me and get it over with? Is he going to torture me? He wouldn't, right? I fall back on the floor, my anxiety at its peak.

Just then, a woman in her 50's opens the door and comes inside, dressed in a maid's uniform.

"Oh dear, are you alright? I'm Martha, I'm here to help you with whatever you need. Oh look at you, you look so pale. I brought you food. Come on." She looks at me and says with concern evident in her voice. I simply stare at her and she looks worried. She continues, "Are you alright, dear?" Yeah, I'm just kidnapped and locked up in a room. Why wouldn't I be alright?

"Why am I here? I want to leave." I state firmly.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. I was given orders to look after you, but I can't let you leave. I'm sorry, dear." What the hell?

"No, I have to leave. Why the hell am I even here?" The woman seems hurt by my rude tone but what the hell, I'm kidnapped!

"Come on, eat your food. What's your name?" She continues, ignoring my very justified tantrum. I look over at the glass of water on the tray and decide I need that if I'm gonna run. Taking the water, I smile at her and finish it in one gulp. "Dear, what's your name?" oh ffs.

"Carla." I say. "Eat something, Carla." She takes the lid off from my plate and gestures for me to eat it. Walking out, she locks the door again and I'm left with a delicious smelling plate of food and very anxious thoughts.

Noticing how hungry I am, I finish the contents in the plate and walk to the bathroom to do my business. My clothes are dirty and my hair is a mess. God, I so need a shower right now. I look over at the shower on my left and it's so tempting but there are two problems with jumping in it right now. A) I don't have any other clean clothes to wear afterwards and B) Someone might walk in, he might walk in and I'm not letting that happen.

Deciding that my freedom is more important than a shower, I walk out, only to find Martha in the room, collecting the empty tray.

"Oh Carla, I forgot to tell you, there are extra clothes in the closet that I think will fit you and some other essentials to make your stay comfortable." My stay? Yeah, no.

"Martha, you're really nice and I really appreciate your kindness, but I have to get out of here. My stay, as you're putting it, isn't possible. I have a life, a business to get back to, my friends don't know where I am and I have to get back to them. Please just show me the way out." I say almost pleadingly.

She looks over at me with a soft expression. "I'm sorry, dear. I can't let you leave. I'm just following the orders I was given."

So she won't budge. "I'll be checking up on you again in a while to see if you need anything. Until then, please feel free to use anything you need from the closet." Wow, isn't that a relief.

I roll my eyes. "Where's your boss, Damien? Did he even tell you why the hell he's keeping me here?" I say, ignoring her statement.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that. You should rest, Carla." And with that, she walks out, locking the door behind her again.

Fine, what the hell! Deciding that there is nothing I can do at the moment, I step in the shower, making sure I lock the door to the bathroom. I might as well make myself comfortable while I'm stuck here.

But the second I get a chance to leave, I'm running the hell away.


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