TEN- What's A Girl Gotta Do To Escape?

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It has been a week since I last saw Damien. Since that night. He's away on business and every night when I come back in my room, Martha locks my door, leaving me no chance of using the dark of night as my cover to escape. Except today, it's open. It's 12am right now, only Martha is home and she's asleep and my door is unlocked.

It's now or never!

I'm not going to get this chance again and with Damien being away, it should be relatively easier for me to run out. Only question is, which way do I use?

I know there is a main door on the ground floor and a back door that's located at the back of the kitchen. The main door is closer to me and getting out of here as soon as I can would probably be best for the extreme anxiety I'm facing right now. But the back door might be a better idea since the chances of getting caught might be slightly lower.

Okay. The long route it is!

Quietly turning the door's knob open, I poke my head out and look sideways to check for any trouble. Clear.

Tiptoeing outside, I walk down the stairs, taking in deep breaths to stop myself from passing out because of fear. The path is dark, with hardly any light available. Upon reaching the back door, I turn around and look for any trouble.

It's empty and dark, almost too empty and dark which is kind of suspicious but I ignore that and focus on unlocking the door. Opposite to what I expected, there's no complicated lock that would require passwords and fingerprints like the main door, instead, it's just a simple lock. Quickly twisting it around, I take the small 'click' sound as my cue to get the hell out of here.

Stepping outside, I almost cry with happiness when I feel the wind against my skin and in my hair.

I missed being outside!

Having no time to stop for a moment and appreciate the chance to breathe fresh air, I sprint towards the gate and hide behind a bush, inspecting the number of guards present. To my surprise, there is just one man sitting on the chair and he's asleep. From the window in my room, I usually notice two guards walking around the gate all the time.

Hm, guess the other one is on a bathroom break.

Making no sound, I walk towards the smaller gate, a few inches away from the asleep guard's chair and hear him snoring. This should be easy.

Slowly twisting the lock, I almost jump in surprise when it actually opens. For a mafia leader, Damien's house is pretty unprotected with these simple locks. One would expect something more complicated to ensure safety but I guess that bastard's just way too confident that no one will break in- or in my case, break out. Taking one last look at the guard, I hear him still snoring, fast asleep.

Yep, it's my lucky fucking day. Sprinting outside, I don't stop to look back. I just need to find a cab to take me home and I'll get the money to pay him.

It feels like hours before I reach the main road and notice a yellow cab parked on the side, the window of the driver's seat rolled down. The driver is engrossed in a conversation on call with someone when I clear my throat.

"Hi, I need a ride. Are you still on duty?" I ask him, ready to start crying if he says no.

"Uh, sure I guess? Hop in." He takes in my panicked, out-of-breath form and hesitates for a moment before unlocking the car to let me in.

Giving him the address, I finally take a moment to catch my breath.

I've come this far, I'll be okay.

"Wait here, I'll get the money. You also have to drive me to a motel. Please wait for 10 minutes." I ask the driver as I run inside and climb in from the back window because the door is locked and I don't have my keys. Once I'm inside, I can't help but let out a sob, I fucking missed my place. I need to grab a few important things.

It's too dangerous to stay here. Damien knows where I live so hiding here is not an option. Deciding that hiding in a lowkey motel far away from here for a few weeks would be a wise choice, I grab a small suitcase, throw in some clothes and essentials and then grab a backpack, filling it with a considerable amount of cash, my phone and wireless  charger. Thank the stars I forgot my phone at home the night of Logan's performance or I would have lost it. Logan- oh my god. We had to meet and I'm two weeks late and he must have left by now.

Fucking Damien.

No time to dwell on that right now. Wearing my backpack and dragging my suitcase outside with everything I need, I'm determined to make this work. Sitting in the cab, I tell him to take me to the farthest motel.

I should be okay.


"Hello. I need to book a room for a few days, maybe around 2 weeks, under the name Sarah Mark." The receptionist at this shabby motel types away at her rusty computer.

"Here you go, you're in room 2. Enjoy your stay!" For someone with a practically empty motel, she seems rather chirpy and cheery at 1am. Whatever. At least I can hide here and no one would know. It was important to give a fake name just to be safe.

Walking in my room, I settle my things down. The room isn't too small or big, the walls are painted a dull beige color, a queen bed is placed in front of the wall with two small tables on either side of it. Average looking curtains are covering half the window overlooking the road covered in darkness.

I rush to the window and close the blinds completely, making sure no one can see inside. The room isn't perfect but it will do for now. I'll do whatever it takes to hide from Damien before moving back to California. There are only two things he's gonna want to do: keep me captive for the rest of my life or kill me and get it over with, neither of which end well for me.

I love my business, but my life is more important to me. And now that the entire thing will Damien has happened, I can't go back to my old life pretending as if this never happened. I hate him for taking it away from me. I also can't immediately go to California because my house and the airport would be the first two places he'd check, so leaving now would be a mistake. I just have to wait for a few weeks for this to blow over so I can get back to California and never look back...

Sliding in the bed, I try to get some sleep but fail miserably because the nervous pit in my stomach won't leave. He is a mafia boss, after all. And someone as entitled as him, would he really let his prisoner get away with completely defying his orders? What if he doesn't stop looking for me?

No, I'm sure he'll stop eventually. It's not like this- I matter to him anyway, right? Right.

And with that thought, I allow sleep to take over me. It'll be okay.


Hi guys, Thank you for reading this chapter update. I'm so exhausted these day and I've been overburdening myself with extra extra extra work for the past few weeks like crazy. I'll try to post as regularly as possible, please be patient with me. Thanks for being here, it means more than you know <3

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