EIGHT- Stuck.

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At 9pm, Martha walks in with a tray of food. "Dinner, Carla." Martha chimes and passes me the tray.

"No. Take it away, I'm not hungry." I mumble, irritated. Just let me go already!

"Have something, maybe a few bites but don't skip dinner, dear." She tries handing me the tray again.

"Martha, it's bad enough that I'm stuck here against my will. If I say I'm not hungry, can you please respect that and take this tray away?" I say, louder than necessary. Shaking her head, she heads out, leaving a bottle of water on the nightstand. Thanks, I might need that.

I'm so exhausted at this point. There's no point in even trying when Martha keeps locking the door. I can't keep my eyes open anymore so I turn the light off and get under the covers, trying to fall asleep. Temporary escape.


Stirring a little in my sleep, I turn around and open my eyes a bit. Sigh, still here. I turn around again and notice how dark the room is, the moon's glow being the only source of light. I look towards the window and see a figure- Damien's figure, standing with a glass of alcohol in his hand and my heart stops. How long has he been there, watching me sleep?

"You didn't eat. Martha told me you refused to touch your dinner. Why?" Damien asks me in a calm tone but it scares the hell out of me.

"Let me go." I say, determined to get out of here.

"Carla," Chuckling, he puts the glass on the table and walks towards the bed, making me clutch the sheet tighter, "Sweet, sweet Carla. Let's make one thing clear, hm? That's not happening." I glare at him and he climbs the bed, getting closer. I push myself against the bed and get as far away as possible.

The reality of my situation hits me hard. I'm in a dark, unknown room in a bed and I have Damien. of all people, crawling towards me with the most menacing look ever. There's no one around and if he wants to kill me right now, there's nothing stopping him.

I'm completely paralyzed with fear as I watch Damien stop inches away from my face. He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand, "We're gonna have so much fun, Carla."

His hand travels down to my neck and I flinch, "Why are you doing this?" My voice comes out, barely a whisper as I hold back a sob.

"Because I can." Damien says lowly, whispering in my ear, his hot breath fanning my skin as his hand starts traveling to the back of my neck. I let out a tear and look away.

"Don't refuse Martha. She's only following my orders." Damien backs off, clearing his throat. "If you behave, who knows, I might just let you out of this room every now and then." With that, he walks out, locking that goddamn door, again. I let out a helpless sob, feeling trapped.

What am I going to do?


"Carla honey, wake up. You need to come downstairs for breakfast. Mr. Campbell is waiting for you." Martha chimes, as energetic as ever. Assholes won't even let me sleep.

Groaning, I get out of bed. Don't want a repeat of last night where Damien sneaks in my room in the middle of the night for skipping a meal. "Fine." I walk to the bathroom.

"Come down in 10 minutes. We don't want to keep the boss waiting." Martha walks out.

Your boss can kiss my fucking ass.

Quickly changing into a comfortable pair of light blue mom jeans and a white mock-neck, I walk out in a comfortable pair of fur slippers. Martha was already waiting for me outside. "Follow me!" Martha continues walking, and like I lost puppy, I do as she says and follow her. Okay, I have to admit this house- no this mansion is gorgeous. It's designed Italian styled and the walls are huge and high. Gorgeous chandeliers hang from every ceiling and there's not a single corner of the house that doesn't scream filthy rich.

Walking into the kitchen, I notice Damien seated, using his phone. For the first time, he's dressed in a casual attire with a fitted white t shirt highlighting his muscles and black sweatpants hanging loosely around his waist. He's gorgeous actually. And a murderer! The voice in my head is quick to remind me. Yep.

Martha clears her throat and Damien's eyes snap up, instantly catching mine. I don't say a word as Martha motions for me to sit opposite to him. She sets the plates for us and I grab my fork, playing with the pancakes on my plate. I look up to see him smiling- more like smirking while staring at me, his hand holding his chin. I scoff and look away.

"Something on your mind, Wallace?" Damien mocks, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Why am I here Damien? If you're worried I'm gonna report you to the police, you can just let me go and I won't say a word to anyone. I have to get back to work by tomorrow and I can't stay here as your prisoner. Let me go!" I demand, looking him straight in the eye.

Damien chuckles, "It's actually cute that you think reporting me to the police would do shit. And as for letting you go, I already made my thoughts clear on that subject. And mark my words, Wallace. You try pulling some funny shit, you're going to regret it. You're gonna stay here for as long as I see fit." Wow, that got serious fast.

"So what, you're a mafia leader now? Breaking all rules and getting away with it? Killing people and getting away with it?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"As a matter of fact, yes actually. I am the mafia leader and I know how to do my business without letting the police interfere. You'd be surprised how easy it is to buy the loyalty they have towards the uniform by giving them a bit of cash. They're nothing but a bunch of corrupt officers. It's all business." His face suddenly goes serious as he takes a harsher tone with me, "And you roll your eyes at me one more time Wallace and you'll see. I don't tolerate disrespect." He looks at his food, "Eat your breakfast. Later, Martha will give you a tour of the place and you may spend your time outside your room. But remember, behave."

Yep. That's my window. If I know the way out of here, I have a better shot and escaping. To please him, I nod and start eating.

Behave, my ass! I mentally scoff. I don't know about you buddy but I'm getting the hell out of here.


"So that's the entire place. As long as you don't go to basement or barge in Mr. Campbell's bedroom or office, you're free to roam around."

His bedroom. Yeah, in his dreams, Martha. Smh.

"I'll be in the kitchen, call me if you need anything, dear." Martha smiles and walks away, leaving me at the door of the gorgeous, huge library in Damien's home. As long as I'm stuck here, this is where I'll be spending my time.

Walking inside, I try to control my excitement on having a whole library to myself. It' so peaceful. Settling on reading one of my favorite books ever: A Thousand Splendid Suns, I grab the copy and make myself comfortable on the chair. Hours pass by before I put the book away and stretch my arms. It's around 2pm and I'm hungry by now. I wonder if Damien would mind me taking a few books back to my room?

You know what, screw it! If he can kidnap me, I can certainly borrow a few books. Grabbing what I'm currently reading and some other books I haven't read before, I head back to room. Once I've put the books away and washed my face, I walk back downstairs to the kitchen. It's kind of awkward roaming around randomly in someone else' house but what can I do?

"Oh Carla! I was just about to call you for lunch. Come, take a seat." Martha motions for me to sit. As I take my seat, I notice Damien isn't anywhere in sight.

"Where's Damien, Martha?" Curious, I ask.

"He'll be having lunch with a uh, friend in his office. You'll see him for dinner. Here, fresh pasta. Careful, it's hot." a uh friend. Yeah, I know what that means.

It's better he's not here anyway. Out of sight, out of mind.

Is he, though? Out of my mind?

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