Chapter 1

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Tw:swearing, possessive behavior, mentions of attempted murder.

Third person POV

Tommy woke up to Dream shaking him awake. Tommy blinked then rubbed his eyes. "What the fuck do you want prick?" Tommy asks. "We are here Toms. Let's go greet George and Sapnap." Dream says. Tommy nods waking up a little more. He got out of the car and stretched his wings. His wings were a red color that faded into a white at the tips. They were rather large and he didn't entirely know how to care for them himself. Luckily he has Dream to help him. His hoodie was blue with lavender patches. He also had blue jeans. He followed his dad towards the new house. The house was slightly scary. It had been made into three apartments. The house was large and in the middle of the woods. Tommy loved it because he loved nature. The entire SMP was chaos. Niki and Jack had tried to kill him and everyone hated him. Dream had helped him through everything. They had bonded and Dream took great care of Tommy. Tommy saw Sapnap and George and immediately ran to them. "SAP! GOGY!" Tommy screamed. Sapnap laughed and hugged Tommy. "Toms! How you doing child?" Sapnap asked. "I'm not a fucking child!" Tommy screams. "Sure Toms. Whatever helps you sleep at night." George says. "Shut the fuck up George." Tommy said. Dream laughs and hugs George and Sapnap. Tommy looked around taking in the surroundings for the first time. The forest was very beautiful. Tommy saw multiple trees with little doors on them. They all had names on them and Tommy assumed that they represented the other people that had lived here. Tommy got pulled out of his thoughts by Dream. "Let's go inside and get some rest. You have been having a very stressful time Toms." Dream says. They go up to their room and Dream hugs Tommy. "I love you Toms." Dream says smiling. Tommy nodded and the two of them fall asleep in a hug.

"Dad! Mom! Techno! A boy just moved in!" An excited brown haired man shouted. "That's nice Wilbur. Let us see him." The women says. "I think you will like this one. He has wings and golden hair. He so cute and he's feisty. He has a temper. He also seems to love cuddles!" The brown haired male, presumably Wilbur, says jumping up and down in excitement. This seemed to catch the other two males attention. They both stand up and walk over to Wilbur. "Let us see him then. Hopefully he's the one. Tubbo and Ranboo want another fiancé anyways." The oldest male says. Tubbo and Ranboo are friends of this family. They live in a different universe and they look over the apartment in the woods. The way their species works is that they need a specific number of different species to be in their group. They are incredibly possessive of the last one. The group that lives in this door need nine. They have seven right now. Kristen, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael. Tubbo and Ranboo are not family yet but if they get another person then maybe they could. They all walk to the window that looks at the world. Wilbur quickly finds the boy and lets his family look at the boy. The moment they see him Wilbur can see the possessive glint in their eyes. "He is perfect." Phil says smiling. Even Techno seems to be exited to meet this child which is unusual as Techno never shows emotions. "We have to go tell Tubbo and Ranboo." Kristen points out going back to her project. "I'll do it." Phil says. Kristen smiles at her husband. Kristen is a tall women who has the power of life and death. She wears a black dress with purple details. She also has a veil over her face. She loves her family and she can be very possessive. Phil smiles back and walks away. Phil is a fairly old man. He is immortal like everyone of his kind. He can make people into a part of his group meaning that they will also be immortal. Phil has large black crow wings and he can talk to crows. "I can't wait to see our sunshine!" Wilbur smiles. Wilbur is a musician who wears gold rimmed glasses. He had brown hair and he is the most possessive. He is also very insane. "Chat agrees that we should keep him. Normally they fight each other about it." Techno mutters. Techno has pink hair and regal dressing. He wears robes and a small crown. He has voices that can become incredibly painful if he doesn't listen to them. "That settles it then. If your voices all agree." Kristen says smiling.

Phil opens the door to Tubbo and Ranboo's part of the house. Ranboo is a tall half black half white male. He has half and half hair as well. He had a thing where he becomes incredibly possessive of everything. It's called an enderwalk. Tubbo is short and he makes explosives. He has goat horns and he is platonically engaged to Ranboo. Micheal is their child who is a zombie piglin. "We found a new member of our group. You guys can marry him and then you will be apart of the family!" Phil exclaimed. Tubbo smiles and Ranboo seems very excited. "We can't wait Phil! When do we get to meet him?" Ranboo asks. "When we get him here. It shouldn't take to long." Phil says with a smile. "I'm super excited to meet him. I've heard that Technos voices all agree with the boy." Tubbo says. "Sometimes I forget you have amazing hearing Tubbo." Phil sighs. "I will see you guys tomorrow and we will come up with a plan to catch him." Phil says. They all smile darkly.

Hello humans! I'm so sorry if this chapter is awful. I wrote it at 11:00 pm. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water! I love you all<3

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