Chapter 6

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Tw: memory loss, weapons, kidnapping, and manipulation

Third person POV

Tommy woke up in an unfamiliar room. He couldn't remember much of what had happened but he could see his family. He was lying in a bed with people on both sides of him. The women was brushing her hands through his hair. "Good morning little bird." She says. Her voice had a very calming effect. He relaxed into her and he could feel her smile. "How do you feel?" She asked. "I feel fine. I'm a little woozy and my memory is foggy but I'm alright." Tommy answers. She nods before grabbing him and holding him tight. Tommy was startled but quickly relaxed into her touch. He felt some other people stir and he could hear talking. He couldn't hear what they were saying because he was pressed into the woman's chest. He felt someone tug at him and he was let go of. "Hi Toms!" The young male said. "Hi?" Tommy whispers. "Don't be shy Toms! You know us you just don't remember us really. We are engaged but you hit your head." The boy says "I'm Tubbo and this is Ranboo." Tubbo pulled a freakishly tall person into Tommy's view. "Oh." Tommy whispers. "This is your dad Philza and your brothers Wilbur and Technoblade." Tubbo explains. Tommy went to nod but suddenly his leg felt like it was on fire. He didn't say anything but his face twisted into one of pain. Tubbo, Phil, Ranboo, and Wilbur all immediately went to his leg. He could feel something being shoved into his leg and the pain stopped. "Do you feel better Darling?" Wilbur asked. Tommy nods and his mom pulled him closer. A knock sounded through the house.

Phil and Wilbur both answered the door with weapons ready. They knew that the Dream Team had most likely respawned. They opened the door only to see no one there. They both shrugged and went to close the door when something was pressed against their necks. "Where the fuck is my son?" The familiar voices of Dream and DreamXD spoke out. Dream and DreamXD were not the same but they both share the love for Tommy. They are two different people but DreamXD doesn't have a physical form so he latched onto Dream. Dream and XD were practically brothers. They would fight constantly but they still got along. DreamXD is very powerful as he is one of the first gods but he doesn't usually get involved in conflict. He did care for Tommy a lot though so he joined Dream. Phil and Wilbur both felt the cold bite of metal digging into there flesh. Normally gods couldn't be affected by metal but some metals like mercury and lead could do enough damage to hurt them. Suddenly spores fell down onto Phil and Wilbur's faces. Both fell asleep and dropped to the floor. George stopped the spores before they could land on Dream and Sapnap. "Let's go. We need to find Tommy." Dream says a little worry leaking into his voice.

The three Dream team members had all of the SBI knocked out. All but Lady Death that is. "Just give up. You know that kidnapping Tommy is wrong." Dream says. "I know it's wrong but he's so perfect! Even Technos voices like him." Lady death responds. "We need Tommy. Just give him to us and we will leave you and your family alone." George says. They could all see that lady death was holding something and they assumed that it was Tommy. "No. I won't let you take him from us." Lady Death screeched. The sound was loud enough to shatter regular human eardrums. The three gods covered there ears. "If you really want to get him then you'll have to fight me." She screams. "Fine then." Sapnap says. They all watch as a huge amount of spores fall on Lady Death. Normally George wouldn't be able to do that amount of spores but DreamXD was helping them. They all ran over and moved her large arms off of Tommy. They saw him laying there with his legs cut off and very dull eyes. His entire personality was gone. They were pissed at the SBI for removing Tommy's memories and personality. Dream picked Tommy up and started to carry him out when he heard two thumps. He turned around to see Technoblade, Wilbur, and Phil. They had knocked his friends out with a lead baseball bat. Dream growled before noticing that Tommy was moving a little. He looked up to see that Wilbur had disappeared. He saw Tommy open his eyes then everything faded to black.

"Hey Tom!" Wilbur says picking Tommy up. "Who are those people on the floor?" Tommy asks. "They tried to break in and rob us." Techno says "go back to bed. You look exhausted." Tommy nods and lays down in Wilbur's arms. He feels the bed underneath him as he falls asleep. Wilbur smiles at him "I can't believe they actually thought that they could take him from us." Techno nods in agreement as he flips a small hidden switch on the wall. The fireplace moved and split revealing a stair case. Wilbur picks Dream up, Techno picks Sapnap up, and Phil picks George up. They carry them down to the basement. The darkness seems to embrace them as they walk down. They lay the three of the Dream team members down. The basement was dark and uncomfortable. It wasn't a well known about part of the house. It was rarely used for anything but torment. They had rats and several other unspeakable things under their house. "We shouldn't leave this door unattended. Someone should keep a close watch on the fireplace. We also can't let Toms find this place." Wilbur says. "Of course Wil. We will keep a close eye on these ones. Especially because they have DreamXD with them." Phil says. "We should leave before the others all wake up. These three should be out for a couple of days at worst." Techno says. Phil nods as they trek back up the stairs. Down in there basement the forgotten gods open their eyes and smile.

Hello humans! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting. I'm really tired and it's around the holidays. Plus term two just started and it's the busiest term. I am going to try to update more frequently but I've just been really tired. I really am trying but I'm so sorry. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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