Chapter 14

671 18 14

Tw: swearing, abuse, torment, gore, unusual punishment, trauma, punishment, blood, and impaling.

Third person POV

Tommy wakes up in his room. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck!" Tommy yelps. "How? How the fuck did they catch me." He groans. Suddenly he realizes something "fuck they got Shroud." He stands up and immediately starts rushing around. He started looking for Shroud. He's frantically looking everywhere when he hears someone's voice ask "What're you looking for Toms?" Tommy whipped his head around to see Tubbo sitting on the couch. "I'm looking for Shroud." Tommy says, anxiety clear in his voice. "Shroud is...busy with Wilbur." Tubbo says simply. "Why- what do you mean he's 'busy with Wilbur'?" Tommy demands. "Oh nothing really he's just tried to run away to many times." Tubbo says nonchalantly. "They aren't going to kill Shroud right?" Tommy asks anxiously. "Oh no. No no! They aren't going to kill Shroud they just have to 'explain' to Shroud why it's best to stay here. They'll want to talk to you as well. I would say that you would be getting a warning but unfortunately you've already ignored our warnings far to many times." Tubbo says as Micheal runs over to Tommy. "Mommy! There you are! You scared us all. Don't do that again." Micheal snorts. "Micheal it's Tommy T-o-m-m-y not mommy." Tommy says gently to the small piglin. "That's what I said!" Micheal says quietly "hey Shroud will be coming back in a minute. You should get ready Tommy." Tubbo says from his place in the couch. Tommy sighs but starts upstairs. Micheal runs and holds into Tommy's leg "no! Mommy! Don't go!" Micheal whines. "Micheal, Tommy has to go. You'll see him in a little bit. You can play with Shroud while Tommy is busy." Tubbo says finally standing up. His hoofs made small clicking sounds against the hard-wood floor. Micheal whines but allows himself to be peeled away from Tommy and scooped up into Tubbo's arms. Tubbo clicks his horns against Micheals tusks and Micheal giggles sweetly. Tommy wheeled himself upstairs and he heard some muttering behind a door. Tommy debated checking it out but he decided against it. He was in enough trouble as it was.

After what seemed like an eternity Shroud exited a room. Tommy was reading a book when his bedroom door creaked open. He didn't bother to look up, both terrified of what awaited him and finding it pointless because he's blind. He tried to hide his fear and it somewhat worked. "Tommy. We need to talk to you. We won't do anything to bad but you need to learn your lesson." Wilbur says. Tommy doesn't look up and instead just turns the page. "Tommy? Are you listening?" Wilbur demanded. Tommy decided to take a risk and not respond. He can hear Wilbur getting angrier at him and he can hear other people whispering. He can tell that they are mad but he decided to continue being silent. "Tommy Innit. Can you please answer us? We really need you to participate or else your punishment will be so much worse." Techno says. Tommy ignores them again. "Alright you are being a bitch right now." Wilbur says as he grabs Tommy by the face and pulls his head up so that he can look into where Tommy's eyes would be. "We were trying to be nice but you decided to be a bitch and ignore us so now you have to pay." Wilbur says manically. Tommy felt burning like he was trying to cry but he couldn't. He felt nails dig into his skin and he felt a warm liquid fall. Wilbur stood back up and Tommy could feel his eyes on his face. "We will be right back Tommy." Wilbur says as Tommy hears footsteps walking away.

Tommy would have run if he had a choice but his wheelchair was to far away and the window was to high up. He would most certainly be seen if he went down so he didn't have any real way to escape. As he was debating his options he heard a creak and some voices coming from outside of his room. They all seemed to be fading but Tommy could tell that they were actually coming closer. He feels several people enter his room. "Alright Toms! We are back." Wilbur says. Tommy groans in annoyance and doesn't acknowledge their existence. "Tommy fucking Innit. We have been through this several times. If you don't respond then we will make your punishment worse. The punishment is already pretty bad." Wilbur warns. Tommy shivers a little but stays quiet. Suddenly he feels a hand wrap around his throat. "We fucking warned you." Is all Wilbur says as Tommy starts getting choked. Tommy gags and chokes as the burning hand that is holding him squeezes. "Ok ok! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Tommy chokes out a plead. "It's to late Toms. You had made your decision." Wilbur says. Tommy sat there with Techno choking him for about three hours. By the time Techno let go Tommy had passed out several times. The next punishment was to be locked in a room that was -70 degrees Fahrenheit. That temperature would kill a regular human being in a relatively short amount of time. The room also had spikes that Tommy was shoved on. The spikes were made of metal and were colder than the room. Tommy's insides froze almost instantly when he got stabbed. He almost immediately got frostbite and he shivered the entire time. His blood had frozen the moment he was impaled and he passed out about an hour into the punishment. The third punishment was to be put in an incredibly hot room. The room was about 760 degrees Fahrenheit. Again it had spikes made of metal that couldn't melt. Tommy was shoved on those and any liquid in his body almost immediately started boiling. Tommy threw up several times and all of his blood evaporated out of his body. He was still alive but he was passed out. He didn't even last an hour in the room. His skin, bones, and muscles all melted, the people came in only to see a huge mass of body parts that had been decimated by the heat of the room. Tommy's body was reconstructed but it took several months. Tommy had decided to never escape again. He and Shroud fell back into the family's control and the Dream Team never got Tommy back. Tommy was traumatized by his family but he listened to them. They all lived together in a huge unhappy family. Tommy was abused for the rest of his life whenever he would do anything wrong and he will never be able to leave them because of his trauma.

Hello humans! You have reached the end of this book. I hope you all enjoyed. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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