Chapter 8

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Tw: possessive behavior, implied torment/torture, swearing, poison, mentioned cannibalism, and breaking and entering.

Third person POV

Tommy awoke to strange noises coming from one of his fiancés. He sat up and he heard a creak. He could feel someone's eyes on him. "Hello?" He asked quietly. He feels someone's arms wrap around him and pull him into a hug. He hears the warbling continue as he gets closer. "Tommy? What the fuck is going on." Tubbo asks in a groggy voice. "I have no idea. I think Ranboo is hugging me but I can't tell." Tommy says. "Yeah he's hugging you." Tubbo replies. Tubbo is quite for a little then sighs "He's enderwalking." Tommy nods, understanding what this means. Tubbo seems to have an idea because he walks over to them and whispers something to Ranboo. Ranboo makes an odd screeching sound and Tommy feels something brush the top of his head. "What just touched me?" Tommy asks. "Ranboo's a little upset with someone so his jaw unhinged." Is all Tubbo said. Tommy nods and feels himself being released from Ranboo's hold. Tommy heard footsteps then a door opening. Complete silence filled the room and Tommy just sat there, confused.

Someone walked into the room a few minutes later. Tommy looked towards where he thought they were. "Hey Toms! Tubbo said you should go back to sleep. He and Ranboo are going to do something." Tommy nodded and laid down. "Hey Wil? Can you stay with me until I fall asleep. I feel uncomfortable being by myself because of that scream I heard." Tommy says. "Of course Toms. I will stay with you." Wilbur says. Tommy smiled and curled up next to Wilbur. He felt hands in his hair and he heard muttering as he drifted off to sleep.

Tubbo watched as Wilbur lulled Tommy off to sleep. Wilbur turned and looked at Tubbo and Tubbo could immediately tell something had upset him. "What happened Wil?" Tubbo asks. "Those fuckin bastards scared Tommy with their screams!" Wilbur whisper yells. Tubbo's face turns sour "What! How do you know? What did he say?" Tubbo exclaims quietly. "He told me that he's to scared to sleep by himself because he heard their screams. He's scared that he's gonna get hurt!" Wilbur explains. Tubbo groans in annoyance "we have to do something about that. Get Mumza to stay with him while we take care of the bitches downstairs." Wilbur nods and runs off while Tubbo and Ranboo both walk downstairs.

Normally Ranboo is intimidating as it is given how tall he is. However when he's ender walking he grows a little, gets claws, and has super sharp teeth. Ender men are known for attacking with their mouths and some ender men will eat their victims. Ender men have poison in their teeth that burns really bad. It won't kill but it causes immobility for a certain amount of time if injected into someone's veins. Normally though the poison just causes severe pain. Ranboo and Tubbo walked downstairs to where the prisoners are. Or should we say should have been. When Tubbo and Ranboo get downstairs the prisoners where nowhere to be seen. Ranboo screamed a corrupted and sick scream. and Tubbo smiled a sick, sadistic smile. "We'll get them eventually. Don't worry my love." Tubbo says hugging Ranboo.

When Ranboo got out of his enderwalk Tubbo called a meeting for everyone except Tommy. Tommy was in the room but he had noise canceling headphones on. "The prisoners escaped." Tubbo says. Immediate chaos followed that sentence. "How?" Being the most popular question. "All of you shut up! You might disturb Tommy!" Tubbo hissed. Everyone immediately went silent, "we don't know how they escaped but I think Dreams little sister Drista might have had something to do with it." Tubbo says. "How would Drista have gotten in and helped them escape?" Wilbur asked. "She's good at hacking and she's good at breaking in. Also if she had a fork she could have threatened one of us with it." Tubbo says. Everyone looked at each other suspiciously. Techno seemed to be listening to something and everyone went completely silent. Normally Technos voices were just chaotic but sometimes the voices would be helpful. Especially when it involves something that might lead to violence. Finally Techno spoke "the voices said that Drista helped Dream and the others out of the prison using invisibility potions. She then broke a little of the wall and they all pearled out." "Ok so we know how they got out so now we need to find them." Phil says. Everyone nods except Kristen. "What's wrong Mumza? Why didn't you agree?" Wilbur asks. "Someone has to stay with Tommy to make sure that Dream and the others don't come for him. We also need to make sure that Tommy's not scared." Kristen says. "Oh yeah. That would be useful. Who should stay with Tommy because we should probably have two people stay." Tubbo says. "I think Ranboo and Mumza should stay because Ranboo can teleport and tell us if something's wrong and Mumza knows how to fight." Wilbur explains. Everyone agrees to that and everyone except Tommy, Ranboo, and Kristen set off.

"Are you sure you want to do this right now Dream? They'll be expecting you." Drista says, worried for her older brother's safety. "I'll be fine Drista. Don't worry about it. I know that they'll be expecting me so I have a plan." They say in the trees waiting for the group to leave the house. They knew that Technos voices would have ratted them out and that they would leave someone to 'protect' Tommy. "It looks like they left Ranboo and Kristen. This should be easy to do." Dream says "I'll be back guys! Wish me luck." Dream climbs down the tree and hears a lot of "good luck"s and "be safe"s. Dream walked towards the house with a plan to get back Tommy. Little did he know how much this plan would affect his entire family.

Hello humans! Happy New Years! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all <3 goodbye!

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