Chapter 4

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The song is one of my favorites and I wanted to share with you all!

Tw: possessive behavior, toxic behavior, abuse, swearing, and technical surgery (Tommy gets some nerves in his legs severed so he can't walk)

Third person POV

Tommy ran like his life depended on it. His freedom depended on him escaping so he had to run as fast as he fucking could. He ran through the woods. He could hear the angered gods chasing him. He was running as fast as he possibly could. He found a rotting tree with a hole just big enough for him to crawl in. He knew that they gods wouldn't smash the trunk because they didn't want to kill him. Even if he was a god they all knew that it would hurt him. "Tommy come out! We don't want to hurt you." One of the people say. Tommy curls into a ball and moves as far away as he can. "Tommy come out. We will force you if we have to. We are your family! You can trust us." Another person says. Tommy stays quiet in hopes of them leaving. He could hear whispering coming from the group. Suddenly a group of crows flock into the trunk and start breaking the wood. Tommy starts to panic and he curls as far back as he can go. "Sunshine if you come out now we won't be mad and we won't harm you." They said. Tommy stays in the trunk and he hears multiple people sigh. "You leave us no choice." The first person says. The trunk is lifted up and thrown away from Tommy. He immediately tries to run but fails when someone grabs him. "Sunshine you can't run off like that. We were so worried." A sickening crack sounded through the air. Tommy started sobbing in pain as his legs bent in unnatural positions. "Go to sleep sunshine. You'll feel better in the morning." The man holding him says and Tommy immediately falls asleep.

"Why would he run like that?" Tubbo asks taking Tommy from Wilbur. "He was scared and he wants Dream." Techno says. "Why would he want that bastard? He's ours!" Wilbur says. "He sees Dream as a father because Dream raised him. We have to make him forget Dream or at least make him remember Dream as a cruel father." Ranboo says "we should get home. Michael probably misses us." Tubbo nods in agreement. They all start on their way home.

Once they get home everyone except Tubbo and Michael surrounded Tommy. They had to make sure he wouldn't try and run again even if they had to hurt him to do it. Techno took a knife and severed several nerves so that Tommy wouldn't be able to walk. They also used their godly powers to alter Tommy's memories of Dream. They all felt bad about having to hurt Tommy but they knew it was the only way to prevent him from running. Everyone cuddled up and they all fell asleep in a happy cuddle pile.

Tommy woke up in extreme pain. His legs were practically screaming from how much they hurt. He was laying in between his family. They were all cuddled up to him and he felt safe and warm. The feeling of security felt miss placed but he just brushed it off. "Good morning Toms!" Tubbo said sitting up "how are you feeling?" "I'm fine but my legs hurt a lot." Tommy says. "Oh you poor thing! I'll get you some medicine to help." Tubbo exclaims running off to the kitchen. Tubbo came back with a glass of water and some small painkillers. Tommy took the medicine and the pain eased. Tubbo brought his wheelchair over to him and helped him into it. Tubbo then sat next to Tommy until everyone else woke up.

The entire day everyone would cling to Tommy. They never left him alone and they all loved talking to him. They learned more about him like the fact that he loves to make flower crowns and he can speak piglin. The more they got to know the boy the more possessive they got. Even Technos voices were telling Techno to protect him. The normally bloodthirsty voices apparently loved Tommy. Techno had immediately took a liking to the boy because of his golden hair. Once Techno learned that Tommy knew piglin he became very attached. Everyone loved the boy and they would never let him go. They wouldn't have to worry about the Dream team for a while because gods can take a while to respawn. Tommy seemed very happy with his new family and they all loved him. Since Tommy could no longer walk he was fairly dependent on them to help him move around. This made everyone grow more attached to him because he was very sweet and he needed them to do stuff. He depended on his family to do things. They knew that this was toxic and possessive behavior but they didn't care. They loved their Toms and their Toms loved them. They just needed to reinforce the house for when the Dream team respawns.

Hello humans! I am sick so I am super sorry if I don't update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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