Chapter 7

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Tw: extreme blood, screaming, swearing, extreme gore, extreme torment, surgery, abuse, possessive behavior, and manipulation.

Third person POV

Tommy leaned into Wilbur's side. It had been several days since the incident with Dream. Everyone had decided that it would be safer to blind Tommy. So now Tommy didn't have eyes. This worked as an additional bonus for his abductors. Tommy was very dependent on them because he couldn't see or walk. They had blinded him so that he wouldn't see Dream and the others if they escape. Tommy was starting to grow annoyed with the loss of his senses. He had been told that he had been born blind and without legs. However his dreams were always weird. They had a man with a white smile mask and he could see. He also had legs and could run around. He was told that it was just him being hopeful that he would be able to walk and see one day. It didn't feel right to Tommy but he accepted it. He had grown to be very dependent on his family. They were super nice and they helped him a lot. The only times that he feared them was when he accidentally got to close to something. They yelled at him and dragged him back. They didn't physically hurt him and they apologized. He still didn't know what he got close to. Tommy shook his head a little before laying down on Wilbur's lap.

Tommy awoke to an ear piecing scream. He sat up and he felt someone move around a little. "Toms? Why are you awake?" Someone said groggily. Tommy was to tired to identify who it was. "I heard a scream and it woke me up." Tommy answered. The person hugged Tommy "go back to bed. We have some exciting things planned for tomorrow. I love you now get back to bed." The person, now identified as Tubbo, said. "Love you to Tubs. Goodnight." Tommy says before falling back asleep.

Screams echoed under the house. The escape hadn't gone as planned. They had been caught by Techno when they opened the fireplace. Now the three of them were being tortured. An axe swiftly cut through Dreams leg. The swing effectively took Dreams leg off. George took a fire aspect enchanted sword to the back. The sword cut through several nerves and his spine. George fell to the floor being paralyzed. Sapnap ran towards George but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm. He felt a trident rip through his chest. It cut through several muscles and organs. This went on for hours. Techno, Phil, Wilbur, and Kristen didn't want to kill the Dream team so they brought them to near death but Lady Death didn't let them die. By the time they were done Dream was missing a leg, had several cuts all over, and had a literal hole through his arm. Sapnap had a gaping hole through his chest, two missing arms, and several concrete patches. Sapnap was the god of fire and so he couldn't touch water. George was paralyzed, was missing an ear, and he is missing an eye. Techno kicks Dream one more time before all of them walk upstairs.

Techno, Phil, Wilbur, and Kristen all walk up into the living room laughing only to be met with an incredibly angry Tubbo. "I don't know what the fuck you were doing but you woke up Tommy. He was scared awake by the screams." Tubbo growls. "Fuck! We didn't mean to wake Tommy up because of fear. We didn't realize that he would be able to hear the screams." Wilbur says. "He's now blind. He depends on his other senses so he pays more attention to sounds. Obviously he was going to hear it." Tubbo whispers. "Ok we'll apologize to him tomorrow." Phil says. Tubbo rolls his eyes but goes back to his, Ranboo's, and Tommy's shared bedroom.

Tommy was sitting on the couch next to Wilbur. He had a book in his hands and he was reading. His fingers traced across the braille on the page. He felt Wilbur shift and tighten his grip on Tommy. He could hear shouting come from downstairs but he couldn't make out what was being said. "Are you enjoying the book Tom?" Wilbur asks. Tommy nods and goes back to reading. "What's the book about?" Wilbur asks. "It's about super hero's and shit." Tommy said before going back to reading. Wilbur smiles and hugs Tommy tighter.

"How dare you wake Tommy up! You have to be quiet so he can't hear you. Tommy needs his sleep." Tubbo yells as he continuously hits Dream, Sapnap, and George. Ranboo was glaring at them and he was holding a fire aspect sword. Ranboo lowered the sword and touched Dream with the edge. The hiss of burning skin and the smell of fire, burnt skin, and literally boiling blood. The room was very hot and Dream yelped out. Tubbo laughed at Dreams pain "that's what you get you bitch. You tried to take Tommy from us and you woke him up last night." Ranboo walked over and hugged Tubbo "I think that they need something worse for disrupting our love." Ranboo says. "I agree. What did you have in mind?" Tubbo asks. Ranboo smirks and whispers something into Tubbo's ear. Tubbo smiles maniacally and he runs upstairs. Ranboo smiles at the three people on the floor "we'll be right back. We just need to get some help setting up." Ranboo laughs maniacally as he walks upstairs.

When they got back downstairs they saw the three members of the Dream team huddled into a corner. Phil smiled and got to work. He set up a small fire. Several metal rods were set above the fire. The smell of hot metal filled the room. While the group waited for the metal to heat all the way up they took turns playing 'games' with their prisoners. Finally the metal was heated up to what they deemed hot enough. Tubbo carefully picked up a long metal stick. He turned to Dream and shoved it into Dreams eye. Dream howled in pain. The hot metal stabbed through his eyes and caused extreme pain. Dreams hand flew up to his eye only for Tubbo to stab the rod through Dreams hand. Dream started sobbing which caused more pain to shoot through his eye. George got a metal rod through his leg. Sapnap got a metal rod through his stomach. They all sobbed in pain. The rods were all left inside of their wounds. There was blood everywhere. Several eyes, ears, and other body parts were strewn everywhere. Blood was flowing everywhere from the wounds. The small of sizzling flesh, burnt muscles, and hot metal filled the air. Sobs filled the air and the group laughed at the pain. Eventually they walked upstairs after the three Dream team members passed out. They would continue another day.

Hello humans. I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I love you all! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

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