Chapter 2

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Tw: possessive behavior, swearing, kidnapping

Third person POV

Tommy woke up feeling eyes on him. He looks around with concern in his eyes. He didn't see anyone and Dream was still asleep. He just chalked it up to being in an unfamiliar place. Tommy stood up and stretched. Several of his joints popped and Tommy smiled. He heard someone knock at the door and he went to answer it. Sapnap was standing outside with George. George looked exhausted and Tommy knew that they would wake up Dream no matter what. "Come on in random people." Tommy says sarcastically. They walk in and look around. "Where's Dream?" Sapnap asks. "He's asleep. If you wake him up don't blame me if he throws a controller at you." Tommy says making everyone coffee because he needs coffee to deal with this shit. A few minutes later Tommy hears yelling and the sound of a controller hitting the ground. He then hears screaming and Tommy sighs. Eventually they all walk in and Sapnap has a black eye. Dream gets some coffee "thanks Toms. I love you. You can go out and play if you want or you could stay in a play video games." Dream says. Tommy nods "I'm going to go explore the area. I'll be back soon though!" Tommy says going out the door. "Bye Toms! I'll see you soon!" Dream yells. "Bye dad!"

Tommy walked through the woods. He noticed a lot of crows where following him. A few of them had even come down. He had let them land on him and they all seemed to love his company. The one that was always seem near him was a large black crow with dark green feathers mixed in. It was sitting on his shoulder and Tommy just left it alone. He walked through the forest and he continuously felt eyes on him. He had looked at the doors on the trees and they didn't really make sense. It didn't matter though. He found a creak in the woods and was sitting next to it. He liked the woods and they were very pretty but the amount of crows was slightly unnerving. Tommy stared at the creak and the crow that had been sitting on his shoulder flew up and landed on his lap. It stared at him with those weirdly intelligent eyes and Tommy stared back. The spell was broken when Tommy blinked. He looked up and realized that quite a bit of time had passed. He stood up and the crow got off of him. It followed him back and landed at one of the doors. Tommy looked over and the crow was gone. Tommy shrugged and went inside.

"Phil! How is he? Is he kind to the animals? What color are his eyes?" Wilbur asked the second he saw Phil. "He's fine. He is very nice to the animals and he let me sit on his lap and shoulder. He also let the other crows get close to him. His eyes are blue. The are so bright and beautiful." Phil responds smiling. "I can't wait to get him." "Will he be noticed if he goes missing?" Techno asks in a monotoned voice. Phil's face turns sour "Dreams his father. We will have to worry about another god trying to take out sunshine. Dreams with Sapnap and George so we will have to be very careful." Everyone's face goes from excited to angry. "They are stealing our sunshine from us? How dare they!" Wilbur yells. Kristen looks upset "we have to get him!" Everyone was slightly taken aback by the urgency in her voice. Kristen was generally calm and not very possessive. If even she was panicking about getting Tommy then he was the perfect child. They had made up their mind. "We'll get him when he goes outside. I can follow him as a crow and bring him back." Phil says. Everyone nods in excitement and happiness.

The next day Tommy woke up on his bed. He saw the crow from yesterday on his window sill. He got up and got dressed. He ran downstairs to Dream. "Good morning dad!" Tommy says. "Good morning Toms! How did you sleep?" Dream asked hugging Tommy. "I slept fine." Tommy says "hey dad? Is it normal for crows to follow me around? One landed on my shoulder yesterday and was on my window sill today." Tommy says. Dream tenses and stand up straighter. "That is not normal. If the crows try to come near you I want you to run." Dream says. "But why?" Tommy asks. "Tommy... I have something to tell you. You know how you worship Prime? Well there are several other gods. Me, Sapnap, and George are all gods. The crows that are watching you are also gods in disguise. They want to take you from us and make you a part of their family." Dream smiles at Tommy. Tommy just looks at him in complete shock. "Before you ask yes you are also a god." Dreams says. Tommy hugs Dream "why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted you to live a normal life without a bunch of war. That crow wants to take you from me. His name is Philza and his group is the SBI. If he gets you, he will never let you go. You won't be able to see me, Sapnap, or George ever again." Dream explains. Suddenly the sound of glass breaking filled the house. Sapnap and George ran into the room in a panic. "The SBI is invading and we don't know why." Sapnap exclaimed. "They want to take Tommy! We have to protect him." Dream says "I told Tommy about us being gods and they must have heard it. I told him that they want to take him and I explained that we are gods." George and Sapnap just stared at Dream in shock. "Why the fuck would you do that! Tommy's I'm so much more danger now. We have to protect him. They can't get him or else we wouldn't see him again. I don't want to lose Tommy!" Sapnap says hugging Tommy to his chest. Suddenly they weren't in the house. They were in a huge castle. It was white and Tommy was confused. He didn't know where they were but he could feel Sapnap hugging him. Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up and he looked up. He saw Sapnap, Dream, and George as their actual height. They were super tall and they were arguing. Their argument was cut off by slow clapping. A women's voice spoke "I thought you would be smarter than this. We can come here as well and I don't leave." "Well we know that you wouldn't kidnap our child Kristen." Dream says gently taking Tommy from Sapnap's hold. "That's where you're wrong. You see everyone in my family agrees that we need Tommy. Even Technos voices agree that we need Tommy. Plus I really love him so I will be taking him." Kristen says. Suddenly the sound of something cracking followed by a scream alerted everyone to someone else's presence. "Sapnap!" George and Dream ran over to Sapnap. Dream was still holding Tommy and they all checked on Sapnap. The sound of flesh ripping and the feeling of falling scared Tommy. He landed then ran over to his dad who was back to human size. "Dad!" Tommy screeched. "I love you Toms and we will rescue you. Gods have one thing that can kill them. We don't stay dead but it takes a little for us to reconstruct. I love you and we will come for you as soon as we can." Dream says before closing his eyes. Tommy sobs and hugs his dad. He can feel someone behind him but he doesn't pay any attention or it until he gets picked up. "Shhhh. Don't cry sunshine! We'll take great care of you." The man says "now go to sleep sunshine and we'll see you in the morning. With that something was placed over Tommy's mouth and he passed out.

Hello humans! How are you? I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm sorry if it's bad. I'm sorry for not updating but I'm with my family. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water. I love you all goodbye<3

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