Under the Gun

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Finding an apartment turned out to be harder than we expected. Considering Scarlett was a total stranger, for the most part, it was also weird. Like why was I letting her live with me? She didn't know me and I didn't know her except what we talked about in the car. She wasn't eating. I myself really wasn't either, looking for a place day and night. 

"Scarlett, I found it. $400 a month, utilities included. It's a studio over a record store. Maybe I could apply at the record store." I watched as she walked over here. She really was striking, even if she was this skinny. She had her her pixie cut, choppy and feminine at the time. It was a color of red that in no way was natural. 

We went to look at the apartment. It was gross, but it would do. It had an exposed brick wall on one side, and a murphy bed that popped out of the wall. That was a plus because I was not sharing a bed with her. There was a sofa that lined the other wall. It was gray tweed. It came with the apartment, along with the glass coffee table and the crappy kitchen set that was tucked to the side. 

We signed lease, or I signed the lease. "Scarlett, we're "home" or as much of a home as two strangers that met yesterday and are running away could have. I am going to go unpack the neon."  

"Your are NOT going to regret this Pierce. I promise you, you won't regret this." Scarlett yells down as I walk down the steps to get all the suitcases. The steps were crickety wood that made noises under my feet as I walked. I took Scarlett's suitcases first. They were nice suitcases, Samsonites, and were easy to carry. She also had a box of vinyl records that was sealed up with tape. I carried it all up to the apartment. 

I then went on to get my suitcases, which were beat up suitcases from the 90's. I had taken them out of my Dad's closet in the middle of the night. I also had a box of vinyl's. That was one thing we had in common. Only I had my player. 

"Scarlett, I am unpacked. I think we need to figure out where to put everything. And we need sheets and blankets." I was annoyed, and sweaty from running up and down the stairs. The stairs that I am pretty sure are going to give out with in a week. 

"Calm down Pierce. It'll get done." Her voice sounded intoxicated, and I saw one of those mini bottles of vodka they serve on planes in her hand. 

"You're drunk. Seriously. Get out. I'm not gonna have someone staying with me whose gonna drink all the time." I was screaming. In that moment the only thing I could associate with drunkenness was my father. And that was the last THING I ever wanted associate anything with.

"Just take the last shot Pierce, you've earned. We've earned it. We made it out. I know your Dad drinks but one shot doesn't make you like him." She was right, it wouldn't make me like him. I would just be having a little fun.

I took the shot and it burned going down my throat. I had never had vodka, or any alcohol for that matter. I was starting to feel it in my 130 pound frame. 

"This was a good idea Scarlett, do you want to dance. I could put on some music. I unpacked the turntable and speakers." My words weren't slurring yet. 

"That's a good idea. We should do that." She was now wearing running shorts, and a Panic! at the Disco tank top. God she was skinny. No wonder her parents made her gain weight, I wonder if this her after or if she had lost weight again, but I didn't think about it long. 

She put in Beverly Hills by Weezer, and we started dancing. I started to sing, and so did she. "The truth is I don't stand a chance... and I just don't belong." I sang out. Not too loudly for the store below us. Then she put on Shut Up and Dance, Walk the Moon. I knew this one.

I started to sing, like actually sing. She joined in. We, even drunk, sounded really good together. That's when I realized this is what freedom is about. I was also really glad I picked her  up at a rest stop. I want that sentence to sound as least creepy as possible. 

Everything was still in boxes on the floor, and the apartment smelled rather musty and like cigarettes. The plus side to that was that I could smoke in here. It was an absolute shit hole, but it was 400$ a month. But I had to get a job. The obvious choice was to ask my landlord, and owner of the record store. I knew music and it would help me when it came to band time. I would talk to him tomorrow. But what I wanted to do now was enjoy myself.

"Scarlett...do you have a fake ID, I want more vodka." I said, realizing I wasn't drunk enough. 

"Yeah I do, do you want to walk and find the liquor store?" Scarlett made her voice sound normal, to get the vodka.

Leaving the apartment I locked it with the new key. We walked around the block, slightly intoxicated and looking to get more intoxicated. When we walked into an even sketchier part of town, we got to a liquor store. Scarlett went in without saying a word and came out with a large brown paper bag with handles.

"Two bottles, one vodka, on whisky. Now we need to go to a grocery store and buy sprite." She seemed to know what she was doing so I went in the convince store and bought a regular and diet sprite, and a pack of cigarettes. 

"I got one regular and one diet sprite, and one pack of smokes." I said, we were almost back to the apartment. Scarlett was a little wobbly on her feet so, I steadied her with my arm hooked to hers. Not in a romantic way of course. Just in a "i don't want her to fall done these shitty steps and die" way. 

We walked in and the apartment was exactly as we left it, shitty carpet and shitty linoleum in the kitchen. 

"I'm gonna cut two shots of this whisky with sprite. We don't have any ice so yeah." She made two of those, using the diet sprite and handed one to me. I downed it, it burned but it was good. Now I really felt it. Like for real. 

"I think we should sing again." My words were slurred to hell. I put on Under The Gun by The Killers on and started playing the guitar chords, which I knew by heart and sang out- at a reasonable volume the lyrics. It was only 3:00 in the afternoon. 

Scarlett must of known the song, because she sang with me. Her voice, even drunk was beautiful and strong. But we were drunk. Off our asses. And I was having fun. I was actually having fun, singing and jumping. Eventually we got tired and sat on the couch.

"Scarlett, you and your pixie cut, and really really skinny body are turning me on. You have a really sexy voice." I just wanted you to know.

"Well maybe you will one day be lucky enough to tap this." She said pointing her body. 

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