10: The Rift

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Ed POV: When Maeve first takes her test

Maeve was acting strange. She seemed colder, and agitated. I knew I was, hearing what Mustang said. "Why are we splitting up? I thought you said that it was always one group. Why now?" I growled up at Mustang. He frowned at me.

"Orders are orders. Didn't you hear me say the Furhur was here watching? He wants the group split in two, then so be it. He picked the groups randomly. Dont be so grim, Ed." He started smiling, "I'm sure your special Lady will be just fine!" He had to duck fast to avoid my punch. Laughing, he walked away to a hidden door to the arena.

I sat back down. I wasn't worried, I figured she could handle herself. She was a great Alchemist, when she used it the way we do. I just knew that grimy guy had it out for her. Compared to him, she was a ant. I saw his test scores too. Maeve placed first, then me, and he was fourth.

I was sitting wondering how the fight was going, when I heard a LOT of commotion inside. I heard zaps, the sound of something heavy being thrown, a lot of screams, many seemed to beg for something. Then I heard the WHOOSH of fire. Under the door, I could see flashes of it. After a while, the light changed, then it stopped altogether. The other contests around me were all staring at the door, some worried, some horrified. I shrugged back into my seat. Whoever was doing all that was from the other group. They wont be going up against her. Ya I had three guesses as to who decided to raise hell in there. Maeve, or maybe Maeve? How about Maeve?

When the door opened, we were asked to come in. Huh. Is there another exit that the others used? We all walked in, and I heard gasps around me. I didnt pay any attention to them. I walked in relaxed thinking on how to make my first moves. When I did look around, I saw that the whole area was either blackened, covered with ice, or broken. I noticed that the previous contestants were still here, but most looked dead to me. They didnt make any noise, and they looked really beat up. I scanned them all, and saw none who could be Maeve. I forced myself to relax. She's not here, so I guess she left of her own will power.

The fight started with who I'm going to guess is the Furor's arm going down.

I watched as the others grew rocks to knock out others, one guy even made a balloon to try and get elevation. Seeing one guy run towards me, I clapped my hands and threw a fist at him from the ground. I smiled as I threw fists at everyone, from every where. They never knew what hit them. Momentarily forgetting about what was worrying me earlier, I saw the one who hopped on a balloon head towards a pillar of rock. He couldn't control the balloon, so I ran to the pillar, clapping my hands, and when I got to it, turned the whole thing into cherry blossoms.

Dont know why I chose those, but hey, it worked. Remembering Maeve now, I made a sword (that wasn't short!) And leaped up to the Furor. I knew that my actions could get me in serious trouble. But I wouldn't hurt him unless he tells me she's dead or something. Landing in front of him, Mustang next to him widened his eyes. I pointed my sword at his good eye, and asked,

"Where is she?"

The Furor was totally calm. He was even smiling. The other judges had their guns trained at me. "If you're talking about the pretty fire lily, she went out a different way, to wait in my office. I wanted to speak to her. Dont worry though. She's not in any trouble." He smiled larger at the end. I remembered the destruction below me, and realized that Maeve was the one who did that, and the Furor seemed to look smug. It made me sick to think that he was most likely thinking of ways to use her as a weapon. She may be in-human, she may be tough as nails, but she's been trying to change whatever ways she had before I met her that frightens her. I didnt like the idea of someone, even a king, trying to turn her back.

All of a sudden, my sword split in half, as if struck by a sharp sword. I was shocked. I didn't even see him move! As Mustang showed me out he whispered to me, "Wait here. I'll come back and explain." He walked back, leaving me alone in the hallway. I saw Hughes walk up. I groaned. No, not now, please let him pass me by. "Hey ED! How did you guys do? Where's Maeve?" He asked me all bright. I could see him with a bright as hell sun behind him. I stayed silent, and looked at the ground. Hughes leaned in to look at my face. "Hmm?"

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