A Dream of Marriage

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There he was.

Standing in front of his family, friends, and her's was a boy dressed in a white and black trimmed suit with his h/c hair styled in a proper manner.

His e/c eyes sparkled with joy, his grin was soft as he was able to be one of the many to experience this moment in a man's life.

And that was to get married.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do..." Y/n said before looking over at his side to find his bride who wasn't very visible of her unique traits.

No color of her hair nor the color of her eyes, or her facial expression, he could only see a shadow of her face under that veil she wore. Though with no sign of any emotion from the shadowed face...

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Y/n knew she was happy.

"I do~..." she giggled softly before turning to Y/n as well and was met with each others' gazes. This was the moment that he waited for for a long time.

"Well then... I may now pronounce... husband and wife..."


"...You may kiss the bride..."

Don't mind if I do...

Y/n nods once as his hands approached the veil of his newly formed wife, he takes the thin cloth and was pulling it up to reveal his lover that he'll spend the rest of his life with.






"...Y/n! Get up!"

Immediately, a h/c boy shot up from his nap as he was quick to realize that he was nowhere in his bedroom.

"Holy shit... Where am I?"


He glanced over to the boy that helped gained his senses back to find his best friend who had black and golden hair and brown eyes. He motioned his head to the front of the class, "We're about to start in five minutes..."

"Oh... Okay..."

"I mean, it wouldn't matter if I woke you up anyways..."

"Why? So you can laugh at me for getting in trouble like last time?" Y/n growls softly at his friend who shook his head.

"No, because we're going to be done with school early today..."


"The project..."

"The project?"

"The project..."


He points at the board to find some chalk written into some words. It hits him like a bus... or a truck...

...That's right... The marriage project...


He groans softly, hitting his head onto the table.

"...I don't want to do this stupid project..."

Right now, his mood dropped, not because he hated this project.

"Come on, Y/n... You get to be paired up with a girl~..."

"It's not that, Noodle..."

He shot his head back up.

"It's because nobody likes me..."

In this school, Y/n was deemed as a closet boy, a silent boy who so happens to be born with a curse called "Sanpaku Eyes".

"Hey, I'm your friend, Y/n..."

Of course Noodle was his best friend since fifth grade but in this case with his peers, it wasn't the best thing to have.

"You know I'm not talking about you! It's with everyone!" He drops his palms on his desk. "How come I have to be the one they gotta make fun of, be scared of, or spread rumors about? Do they really think I was a delinquent once in middle school?"


"Do I have a spell that makes everyone turn to stone by looking in their eyes?"

"They said that about you?"

"Did I almost killed somebody?"

"...I mean, you almost did shove me onto the road and get hit by a truck..."

Y/n splats his head down on the desk once more.

"This is bullshit... I won't get a passing grade at all if my partner ends up straying away from me over some stupid lie..."


Noodle then pats his friend on the back and bends down to his level.

"It's okay, man... There's nothing to worry about..."


Y/n glanced up at Noodle with a look of doubt and retracted his statement.

"Okay, there are... but it's not the end of the world... I'm sure there is a girl in this school that tolerates you..."

"Oh yeah? Like who?"


"...I knew it..."

"But!" Noodle says.

"They said a handful of the boys won't have a partner for this project so they'll be able to pass on the spot..."

Y/n's ears perked up the moment he heard his friend say this. "Really?!"

"Yeah... Around like... twenty or thirty since the boy to girl ratio isn't very even... You can probably ask the teacher then that your partner wants to switch 'husbands' if any case..."

This got Y/n a little more confident as he sits back up with a soft smile on his face. "Ooh, I hope they don't assign me a partner to begin with..." he squeals softly as Noodle nods.

"Let's just pray for now... It's not guaranteed but I bet they'll let you be alone after being assigned a 'wife'..."

That left Y/n even more excited as the bell would eventually ring, signaling everyone back to their seats.

Y/n was still on about what his friend said earlier, an A without a partner?

...Man... Please don't give me a partner for this project...

Akari Watanabe x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now