Hard Drizzles

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The rain fell harder than the author for 2D girls as Akari watched from the entrance of her school.

"...It's raining..." she observed for a moment while the deafening sounds of the raindrops land on everything it could see. The cold air wasn't doing any better, making Akari shiver slightly as she mentally punched herself. "And I was looking forward to going karaoke with Minami and the others..."

She sighed softly, it was supposed to be a fun day today. Yet it's ruined thanks to Mother Nature. "...I don't want to cancel our plans because I don't wanna get sick... and I really wanted to go because Minami was going as well..."

Akari starts to frown until someone comes into the picture as he stopped in front of the exits of the school and tilts his head with bafflement. "Holy shit..." he chuckled to himself before grabbing an umbrella from his bag.

This sparked an idea from Akari.


The boy turns to find his "wife".

"What?" He asked as the girl shamefully put her hand out to him. "...G-Give me... your umbrella..." she asked hesitantly as she remembered the conversation the two had this morning.

Or more of a kerfuffle as she expected a stern lesson of "Why you should always listen to me" or a flat out no because this was the consequences she must face herself.



Yet it was the complete opposite of that.


"What is it?"

"You didn't... fight back?"

"...Do you want me to fight back?"


Y/n sighs softly and waved it in front of her once more. "Besides, I don't need an umbrella... and even if I do..." He glances away to avoid her face for a second.

"...you need it way more than I do..." he said as Akari was ready to take it.

She was hesitant.

With Y/n acting like this, it felt... weird... A new side of him, was it all an act?

Whatever the case may be, it sounds like he was troubled. "...But... you don't even know where I'm going... Does that not concern you?"

The boy flinched softly but kept his gaze adverted away.

"No... Points don't subtract when you see other people... and besides, this is a mock... you're probably going to see Minami, right?"



"...Y-Yes..." Akari answered truthfully as she continued to stare at Y/n who glanced back at her for a little more.


"...Just... enjoy your afternoon..." he finishes before Akari takes the umbrella into her hands and deployed it. She looks back at Y/n once more who watched the rain fall from the sky.

"...So what are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna go home and do some homework... Just go and have fun..." he kept it bland as Akari wanted to talk a little more to see what was wrong with Y/n.

Yet at the same time, Minami and everyone else was waiting on her. And she did get Y/n's blessing to go so the only thing that was appropriate for her was to hurry and get to the karaoke hall.

Which she does as Y/n watched her run off and glanced up at the sky once more. "...It's not letting up..." Y/n said as he checks the time on his phone and then back at the gray clouds.

Akari Watanabe x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now