Walking Together

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Today was the first day of school for our third years.

Their first?

Well, for most students in the third year, it was their first day to school with the knowledge that they have a lover now for the rest of the year.

Including Y/n who was packing everything up for school. He had all of his books and supplies in his bag as he flew his school-issued blazer on.

Then comes his partner, Akari as she seemed finished with her morning routine as she was the first to speed off to the front door. Y/n watched casually, 'Guess we're not walking to school together...'

"I'm off! You're locking the house, right?" Akari asked as Y/n just sighed.

"Yes, Akari..."


That's all they said to each other.

At least that's what we think as Akari pulls the door open but Y/n notices something.

"Oi... Don't forget an umbrella..."

Akari turns to Y/n and frowns.

"I don't need an umbrella... and why do I gotta listen to you?"

"It's because the news said there will be a sixty percent chance of rain in this area..."

"It's sunny outside..."

"Still, bring one just in case..."

"I said I don't need one!" Akari yelled firmly this time before deciding to ignore Y/n and slamming the door on him.

The boy watched in disbelief at Akari's rude yet unsurprising gesture. It's been a common thing to him after they were paired up.

It would be something that Y/n could brush off but when he hears a beeping sound from a small monitor, he finds their points had dropped by two.

"...Shit..." Y/n muttered to himself.

No use in crying now, they messed up and it's their own fault. Y/n would grab his umbrella from the dining table and head out.

Not before he runs into someone familiar.



His one and only friend as they silently come to a quick agreement to walk to school together, taking the stairs down and through the neighborhood as the two held a small conversation.

"So what was the fuss about? Was that you guys?"

"Akari didn't want to bring an umbrella..."

"Huh? The news said-"

"Yeah, I know... She doesn't wanna listen to me..."

"That's... kind of stupid..."

"Yeah because if it was anyone else, she'd listen to them... but all because it's the 'silent' kid that she don't have to listen a single word that flies out of his mouth..."

Y/n then discovered something along them.

A missing person from Noodle.

"So where's Akemi?"

The brunette with the golden highlights shrugged.

"She's probably nervous still..."

"Why's that?"

"She insisted on walking with her friends..."

"Well... at least she doesn't give you attitude... Why can't I have a partner like her?"

"Probably because she'll listen to you in a more 'intimidated' way..."

Poor choices of words from the rugby player as he was met with a different aura from Y/n. "Am I really that scary?" He heard his friend say, turning to find his e/c eyes tearing up.

"To her, probably... But I think if they figured out who you truly are, they'll come to like you..."

Y/n sniffled softly after calming down a bit.

"Maybe... It's just... Over a stupid punch did I get the title of 'Murder Explosion King' or 'Teacher Killer' or something..."

"Now you're just over exaggerating it... Nobody calls you that... Well, 'Teacher Slayer' probably... but nobody is calling you a killer..."

"It feels like it..."

"...Just give it time... They'll soon forget the rumors about all of this and you'll have friends..."

Y/n was about to say something once again to go against his claims.

But in the end, he doesn't fight back anymore. He just nods. "...Okay... Thanks, Noodle..."

"Anytime..." the two finally end their conversation which conveniently ended when they were on campus.

A whole new day of learning ahead of them as Y/n and Noodle would enter the school and to their classroom to get ready for a new day of learning information that would mostly be useless after graduation.

Akari Watanabe x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now