Chapter four, Emmy's POV

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I stare at him in shock, no, no, no, this mission is not supposed to go like this! I need to bring him and not send him away! He looks at me confused: "Why are you afraid?" Does he feel that? I stutter desperately for an answer: "You're just the first elf I've met in the human world..." "Wait, are you not from the lost cities?" I'm trying to get my emotions under control, I don't know if it works. I put on a sad look, "I don't have a real home, so I'm wandering around the human world trying to find my father who dissapeard two years ago." To cover my embarrassment, I take another bite of my macaron. "Who is your father? Don't you have a real home?" Keefe asks me. 

 Grabbing my hair, I answer him, "My father was always very busy and we had to move from place to place. I've never had a real home, and I don't know what he did." I'm glad my lie sounds true, because part of it was. He ponders for a while, then turns to me: "Do you want to come with me?" His voice sounds a bit uncertain, but I was honestly surprised. While it wasn't my job to go with him, it gave me an opportunity to gather information in case he took me to Black Swan. ,,Are you sure? Why do you want to help me?" I inquire. "Let's put it this way: You helped me and now I can get back at you. Besides, I know how it feels to not have a real home." The last sentence felt true and it was funny to see a sad Keefe. I saw the real Keefe, the hurt, sad, depressed boy. And that touched me more than it should. "If you're serious, I'm happy to come with you." "Well, when we're there, then I'll show you REAL food and not this broth! Mallowmelt, for example, that is the best food in the world!", he said and put his facade on again. And that made me kind of sad. I played along and also put on my facade: 'Okay! But nothing in the world can beat macarons." "I wouldn't be so sure about that," he contradicts, and yet he takes the last macaron off the plate and bites into it. He stares in fascination at the macaron in his hand and then says with his mouth full, "You're right! This human food isn't that bad." Against my will, I chuckled, "Of course I am."

 As soon as we finished drinking, I put some coins on the table and we took off. It didn't take long until we found an abandoned spot. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "I have a crystal from a friend of mine, we'll jump there," he answers my question. I nod, wondering if he means Sophie as he holds a clear crystal up to the light. So that a light path is created. Suddenly I have doubts. What if they see through me, or recognize me. My eye color doesn't change when I change shape. And I've spied on her so many times. And how will I explain the gloves? Then I remembered one more thing Keefe needed to know. I turned to him and asked him quietly, "Please don't tell anyone about my shape-shifting ability. I want to do it myself." "That's right, there was something. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your weird ability. Assuming you do it yourself," he replies. I nod in agreement and take a deep breath. Then I realize that Keefe wants to clasp his hand in mine. I wince and pull my hand away. He looks at me in amusement, "Don't worry, I won't eat you up, but I have to take your hand so that we can jump safely." I can't prevent a slight blush spreading across my cheeks. I whisper softly: ,,Sorry!" then I take his hand, it trembles briefly. Keefe studiously ignores it, then pulls me into the bright beam of light.

 We landed on a green meadow, I stumbled slightly and almost hit the ground. If Keefe hadn't held me, I would have fallen. I get up and brush the imaginary dirt off my clothes. And force Keefe to let me go. "You're just as clumsy as Sophie." I ignore the sentence and clear my throat, "Thank you," I say quickly and look ahead. What I see in front of me is simply indescribable. On the big meadow, there is an even bigger house. It appears to consist of three floors, each of which was larger than a Neverseen hideout. And that wasn't all, there were an incredible number of animals around this house. I saw all kinds of animals, from tiny imps to giant dinos. And all of them were just gorgeous. Then I heard an amused voice behind me, "Amazed?" Keefe asked, "I bet there's nothing like that in the human world." I turn and realize only now that I've taken a few steps closer. "No, you're right," I say, still amazed. "Then you should see Everglen, that's a whole palace! At least five times as big, if not bigger" "Maybe" I answer him I turn back to the house and see at least 10 people running up the lawn. No, there were at least 15 people. I gasp in shock and take a few steps back. And slam into Keefe. "Don't worry, they're just mine Friends" "But the girl with the blond hair in the front looks like she would like to kill you", I knew that it was Sophie up front, but I couldn't really tell him that. "And she could too," replies Keefe, paling a little. I hide behind Keefe's broad shoulders and wait for the horde to come to a halt. He whispers to me over his shoulder, "Let me do the talking." "I didn't plan anythig else," I whisper back. 

 When the pack comes to a standstill, Sophie throws herself at Keefe's neck. "Where have you been?", she calls full of anger. Shortly thereafter, she breaks away from him and stares at him angrily. "Oh oh I know that look, that's the look that says that you want to kill me. " She nods slowly and then I hear a second voice: "Are you wondering, BUDDY?! You haven't been here for three weeks!", the heavy accent told me it had to be Fitz Vacker. And I was right, he stepped forward and put an arm around Sophie's shoulders because she was already shaking with anger. "Let's just say it short: I'm sorry! It was stupid to run away , I'll never do it again!", Keefe apologizes. Then an unfamiliar voice sounds, a little pixie-like girl with blond hair and a small braid in it said: "Somehow that sounds familiar to me, doesn't it?" In the crowd I hear a murmur of approval, then someone clears his throat:,, Are we really going to ignore the fact that Keefe brought someone?" She pointed at me with her thin arms.

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